Right. My daughter was unhappy about losing the tapes as she didn't have those songs in any other format and couldn't even find them again (very obscure artists, song titles forgotten). But I can picture some crack addict with a bunch of homemade tapes on his lawn, trying to get a quarter each for them. What idiots.
you're the idiot who supports the prohibition of the drugs the junkies are addicted to.
no prohibition = no inhumane prices =no need to steal & rob in order to get the funds to support the addiction.
you call the desperate addicts
idiots and this implies you think you're better than them. but better how? better heart? better sensitivity to the plights of others? better compassion? better sympathy? better empathy? or just better at acting like your shit doesn't stink?
better hope you don't get hooked on Percodan for a back injury and then run out of medical insurance and money...
you don't see yourself in the crackheads, do you? you still think they are someone else
over there. but it's
you. they are but reflections of the shadows in your conscience. until you see them as beautiful, perfect, and holy just the way they are---"flaws" and all---then you will never ever ever see or know yourself as beautiful, perfect and holy just the way you are.
you perceive a separation between "them" and "you" but it's only because you don't know the wholeness of yourself. there are things about yourself that you don't wanna face or accept---and these are the same things you hate to see in others.
Old Joke:
Dude dies and gets to the front door of Heaven.
He knocks on the door and a voice says,
The dude says,
Hi God, it's me. Would you please open the door?
But nothing happens.
Dude knocks again and a voice says,
Hi God. I love you more than anything. Please open the door?
But nothing happens.
The dude thinks about this for a long time and then knocks again.
The voice says,
And the dude says,
Please let me in. It is thy self!
And the door opens instantly.