Crack heads crack heads and Christmas (1 Viewer)

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Crack heads broke into my car Xmas night and stole 1 CD, my new Tom Waits. Life could be worse they could have broken the steering column or the window or I could be the crack head going home and putting Tom in the CD player (that probably stolen too) and going what the F was this guy listening too???
Karma for car theives.

And to be honest, the CD while intersting, didn't move as much as I hoped it would.
Crack heads broke into my car Xmas night...

Jimmy Snerp,

Sorry about your loss, truly. Had similar things happen to me during
my days in LA"”car stereo gone (one that I liked very much), two
cars stolen, caught one guy in the act of breaking into my apartment!
He thought I wasn't home! lol. Almost broke his neck running down the
23 steps of my 2nd-story apart. I'm glad I got through it all. Wishing you
a better New Years. "”Poptop.
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They got my CD player. Crackheads broke into my daughter's car and stole her homemade mix tapes. What are those worth? 25 cents at best? How desperate -- or stupid -- can they get?
While a homemade tape may not be much on the street, some assorted tapes CD's have more value (mean more to me) than packaged products. This is not to say I object to packaged products but there is a sense of ownership and creativity putting together a collection of favourite songs in a particular order perhaps to capture or add to a particular mood. The assorted put together for a cross country trip with buddies is going to be a lot different than the one put together for a romantic weekend getaway with a girl..well lets hope they are different tunes on each.

For Xmas every year I put together for my friends a best of bob which is the best songs I have heard that year. Now the song may be twenty thirty or sixty years old but it happens that this is the year it graced my lobes.
Pretty good gift considering I usually download or borrow music from the library...just had a thought perhaps having this store bought CD stolen was carma....
While a homemade tape may not be much on the street, some assorted tapes CD's have more value (mean more to me) than packaged products. ....

Right. My daughter was unhappy about losing the tapes as she didn't have those songs in any other format and couldn't even find them again (very obscure artists, song titles forgotten). But I can picture some crack addict with a bunch of homemade tapes on his lawn, trying to get a quarter each for them. What idiots.
what if it wasn't 'crackheads'...
maybe they were 'methheads', or a too cheap Tom Waits fan!?

Crackheads get such a bad rep!
CMeth hasn't made to Buttfuck yet (Brantford) I hope.
Its an educated opinion with a crack house at each end of my street.
I am in their grazing line.

Then again a too cheap Waits fan could be the culprit but then that would mean I'm being followed by more than black helicopters and I don't wan't to slip into the world of the paranoid.
When I lived in Venice (CA) someone smashed out the driver's side window of my 10 year old Honda and took the knobs from my $15 radio.

Just the knobs.

From a $15 radio.
mjp: a knob fetishist? Or maybe they had the same radio as you but it lacked the knobs.

theeffects: true, it may have been a methhead and not a crackhead that stole my CD player. In the Northwest. we have an abundance of meth addicts, and they're responsible for most of the crime.
When I lived in Venice (CA) someone smashed out the driver's side window of my 10 year old Honda and took the knobs from my $15 radio.
Just the knobs.
From a $15 radio.

I had something similar happen to me, only was windshield wipers on a rainy day. Ever tried to drive without wipers on a real rainy day? IIAB
wipers are one of those things you don't TRULY realize how important and wanted they are until they are gone, missing, broken...
How do I tie this into BUK... hmm, bet that old VW Bug of his had broken wipers!!!
There's an idea: a list of all the cars Buk drove before the black BMW. His stories and poems are of references to his old beaters. Let's see:

1. The VW bug

I was recently reading something by Bukowski, probably from Erections etc., and he was talking about driving without wipers and using a sliced potato to wipe off the water on the windshield.
Yes, yes -- but was it an Idaho? They work the best. I also have heard that a good potato cake can also work! What the potato leave behind on the glass makes the rain just slide off -- sorta like rainex.

Buk forever!!!!!
There's an idea: a list of all the cars Buk drove before the black BMW. His stories and poems are of references to his old beaters. Let's see:

1. The VW bug

In 1966 he was driving a 1957 Plymouth.
I was recently reading something by Bukowski, probably from Erections etc., and he was talking about driving without wipers and using a sliced potato to wipe off the water on the windshield.

Incredible coincidence! I happen to be reading HOLLYWOOD at breakfast these days, and just this morning, minutes after reading this thread (before slimedog posted the above), I read on page 218:

"Then it really started to come down. Terror filled the other drivers on the freeway. They peered through their flipping wipers with their tiny souless eyes. The fuckers should be glad they had wipers. Once I had an old car without them. You want to know about hard driving? Try that. In rainy weather I carried a sliced potato with me. I'd stop the car, clean off the windshield with the potato and drive on. You had to know how to do it: just a very light rub."

Perhaps he told the same story elsewhere.
Incredible coincidence! I happen to be reading HOLLYWOOD at breakfast these days, and just this morning, minutes after reading this thread (before slimedog posted the above), I read on page 218:

"Then it really started to come down. Terror filled the other drivers on the freeway. They peered through their flipping wipers with their tiny souless eyes. The fuckers should be glad they had wipers. Once I had an old car without them. You want to know about hard driving? Try that. In rainy weather I carried a sliced potato with me. I'd stop the car, clean off the windshield with the potato and drive on. You had to know how to do it: just a very light rub."

Perhaps he told the same story elsewhere.

No, you're right, Rekrab, I've been re-reading a lot of Bukowski recently and I must have read it in Hollywood, which was fun to read again. Women, I think is my favorite novel by him but Erections etc. (which I thought I lost) is my favorite book by him.
I'm reading HOLLYWOOD as I watch the film BARFLY in short installments. Loads of fun and I find I like Mickey Rourke's performance better this time than when I first saw the movie.
The handbag attack scene is brutally funny,especially the surreality of the ambulance guys when they turn up (incidentally who is it Hank introduces himself as again...made me laugh i remember?). There's also a story about this in 'Notes from a dirty old man' which is equally enjoyable :rolleyes:
Right. My daughter was unhappy about losing the tapes as she didn't have those songs in any other format and couldn't even find them again (very obscure artists, song titles forgotten). But I can picture some crack addict with a bunch of homemade tapes on his lawn, trying to get a quarter each for them. What idiots.

you're the idiot who supports the prohibition of the drugs the junkies are addicted to.

no prohibition = no inhumane prices =no need to steal & rob in order to get the funds to support the addiction.

you call the desperate addicts idiots and this implies you think you're better than them. but better how? better heart? better sensitivity to the plights of others? better compassion? better sympathy? better empathy? or just better at acting like your shit doesn't stink?

better hope you don't get hooked on Percodan for a back injury and then run out of medical insurance and money...

you don't see yourself in the crackheads, do you? you still think they are someone else over there. but it's you. they are but reflections of the shadows in your conscience. until you see them as beautiful, perfect, and holy just the way they are---"flaws" and all---then you will never ever ever see or know yourself as beautiful, perfect and holy just the way you are.

you perceive a separation between "them" and "you" but it's only because you don't know the wholeness of yourself. there are things about yourself that you don't wanna face or accept---and these are the same things you hate to see in others.

Old Joke:
Dude dies and gets to the front door of Heaven.
He knocks on the door and a voice says, Hello?
The dude says, Hi God, it's me. Would you please open the door?
But nothing happens.
Dude knocks again and a voice says, Hello?
Hi God. I love you more than anything. Please open the door?
But nothing happens.
The dude thinks about this for a long time and then knocks again.
The voice says, Hello?
And the dude says, Please let me in. It is thy self!
And the door opens instantly.
you're the idiot...

Hey Schenker you are right -- I see them all the time, laying in their own waste waiting for their ssi to get a fix and pissing their pants -- there has to be a better way as it is one ugly life -- but what -- most just wants drugs to live their life so as a society are we suppose to support their habit? Many are mentally ill and don't believe they have a problem, many hurt others and themselves; and many are psycotic when they are on drugs and pose a danger to all of us, including themselves.

So you self proclaimed expert, what do we do? Just throw them some money to buy drugs and say enjoy life??

From what I have seen being an addict is not much of a life. But then this is just my opinion.
I think rekrab just meant that it was idiocy to steal worthless tapes, whether it was done by addicts or mormons or whoever.
I too am against the war on drugs (= war on people) because it makes no sense to persecute sick people. They should be treated for their addiction or freely given the drug they are addicted to. Whatever option they choose.
Just my two cents...
you're the idiot...

Whoa, Brother Schenker, too many assumptions on your part.

1. I am for the legalization of ALL drugs. Addiction should not be a crime. That thinking only generates crime when desperate addicts steal.

2. I don't think I am better than the addicts or anyone else. People are idiots, including me, especially me, and including some guy trying to sell a stolen homemade tape on his lawn. Being human is a sorry business.

3. My shit stinks, yours too.

4. I have prescriptions I can't afford. Don't know how I will pay for the one I'm picking up later today. I'm already there.

5. I totally agree we are all beautiful, perfect, and holy just the way we are. It's the nature of spirit and being. My calling them "idiots" was just shorthand for saying I doubt they'll raise much drug money on homemade tapes.

6. There are plenty of things about myself that I don't want to face, and I know it. That's not news to me. I've know it for decades.

I'll make one assumption about you. You're pissed off about something. That's okay.
perfect response, david. I was wondering how you would handle this one, and I wasn't dissapointed.
Thanks. I left out one thing. It was insensitive of me to call them idiots. I'll cop to that. I've been told more than once that I'm insensitive.

Also, I shouldn't assume Brother S. is cranky. Maybe it's a sensitive topic for him. I understand that.

In general, assumptions are dangerous, because they are so often wrong.
I don't know if that's too far off the mark.
I work to support my addictions and, while this doesn't make a better human being per se, I'll be fucked if I'm gonna pretend that we are all perfect and unique little snow flakes.
I support the legalization of drugs but having a habit does not excuse some low life breaking into your car or house and stealing your shit.
You wanna legalize that too Brother S?
If we are all one - addicts, jockeys, CEOs, winemakers, bricklayers and ME - why the hell doesn't your defense work both ways?
We can't judge an addict harshly but you can judge Rekrab harshly - call him an idiot, make wild assumptions and generally come off holier than thou?

those who preach love....
their finest art...
all that.
and more.

Yes, your shit stinks Brother S (BS) - I can smell it from here.
well put, buk on a bike - but idiots isn't off the mark at all. i live above shops on a council estate, and we hear it all - it can be a real horror show out there.
I think rekrab just meant that it was idiocy to steal worthless tapes, whether it was done by addicts or mormons or whoever.
I too am against the war on drugs (= war on people) because it makes no sense to persecute sick people. They should be treated for their addiction or freely given the drug they are addicted to. Whatever option they choose.
Just my two cents...

I believe that everything should be free in our society and I don't believe in work. If you want to work that is OK, but tax at 90% like Sweden. Free housing, Free food, Free medical and a guarantee income for life for everybody whether they are citizens or not. To me this is what the meaning of a free society means to me. Also free legal, very few if any police, no army, free college with no requirement of testing, all the free drugs you want, or alternatively counseling to kick your addiction and all the free time you want.

This would be a great society -- a great society!
That might work in a world full of tiny communities full of hunters and gatherers, but you would still have to work if you wanted to eat.

And there would still be greed.
I disagree, just tax business -- to fund the programs -- that works!
This peace and love toward crackheads is all well and good, but legalizing crack it isn't going to keep a crackhead from robbing you. They aren't robbing you because it's expensive. It's not. It isn't hard to get either. Anyone who wants crack can get crack for a few dollars. Legalizing that drug in particular wouldn't prevent one crime.

I think all drugs, substances and plant life should be legal. Doing that would eliminate huge amounts of crime, corruption and ridiculously unnecessary incarceration. But to consider all drugs equal in their effect is unrealistic. Legalization would have different effects for every currently illegal drug.

Crack is not pot. Someone addicted crack is 958,682 times more likely to stick a crudely sharpened screwdriver in your ribs to get whatever is in your wallet than is someone who loves to smoke pot. That's just the way it is. I didn't make that statistic feasible (though completely made up), crack's insidious qualities did.
Grayxray seems to be playing devil's advocate to annoy you... This is what he does. Next he will apologize and offer to leave the forum for the good of the forum. This then turns the topic away from him and back to me being mean..... He has played this game several times on this very forum...

Also, we have members that live in Sweden. Please Henry, kill this myth that Sweden has 90% tax. Additionally, from what I know, Sweden has a very low crime rate and even lower murder rate. This in a country that is very liberal by US standards. But then, this is just my opinion...

the main reason i didn't become a hard drug user was the sort of people you have to associate with to get the f-in stuff! and if you knew my off-license man...

You know Bill, you are really starting to irritate me. I say what I feel. Say what you want, I really don't care. You seem to feel I have a hidden agenda or something - your hate is showing through, peace be with you. And for the record I am Swedish, as was my mother and grandmother.

Just what is your problem Bill? What is your agenda? Are you going to ask jr to throw me off the board again???

And PS you are right about the tax rate - closer to 68%, but it depends on how much you make -- lots of free stuff in Sweden; you ought to visit the place; but some muslims are creating a big problem there now -- lots of rape and murder of Swedish girls.

Have a nice night!
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I have no hate. Not even for you. You just annoy me with your passive aggressive bullshit. I do have a problem with you. You are right about thaqt. You stir up trouble and that is your art.

Who is jr? Did he throw you off of the forum before? If he did it was his decision, not mine. I would not have let you back. mjp runs the forum, not me. I have no agenda. I just don't like people that clearly have nothing better to do than to pick fights and then sit back and enjoy the trouble that they have caused.

I can see what you are about. Reading every post of yours makes a very clear picture of what you like to do on forums.

So, the Swedesh tax rate is 68% and they have problems witrh Muslims running around raping young girls there. Interesting. I would not believe it unless my friend from Sweden verifies this. This sounds like propaganda to me. I have never heard about the Muslim rape problem.

If you want to take this off the forum, for the good of the forum, you can e-mail me. My email address and name is no secret. I do not hide behind forum names. Frankly, I think that would bore you as you want a public forum.

Anyone intersted can look over my posts to see what MY agenda is and then look over Grayxray's posts to see what his is. I'm sure that he knows who Bukowski is, but otherwise, you would not know it by reading a majority of his posts that never seem to have anything to do with Bukowski and always try to steer the topic off course.

But then this is my opinion....

Have a nice night!

Bottle of Smoke Press
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