Founding member
Long ago (87) I published a chapbook by Douglas Goodwin, one of the few young writers about whom Bukowski spoke glowingly and with whom Bukowski corresponded (you'll find some of the letters to Goodwin in the various letters collections that are now out). The chapbook was/is called Half Memory of a Distant Life, and I see that one bookseller on the Internet has one copy for sale at a very high price. I asked Bukowski whether he would write an introduction to that book, and to my delight, he did. To my knowledge, it's the only "foreword" that Bukowski wrote for another writer.
Anyway, I've lost track of Doug, and my purpose here is to find out whether anyone knows anything about him, where he is, whether he's a member here, what other works he may have published. He was really writing some great stuff at the time--I published him whenever I could in my little magazine called Clock Radio.
Anyway, I've lost track of Doug, and my purpose here is to find out whether anyone knows anything about him, where he is, whether he's a member here, what other works he may have published. He was really writing some great stuff at the time--I published him whenever I could in my little magazine called Clock Radio.