Well I think this is good subject. We can discuss anything involving drugs. Drug stories, the war on drugs, the pros and cons of drug abuse, etc. [any drug alcohol nicotine caffeine high fructuse corn syrup]
how about some 'too high on acid' stories? they're always entertaining.
Hey Dude, your parents were cool to offer you a disc with a song about heroin addiction. Mine not. Toys and books only. No rock albums, not even drugs or alcohol. A miserable childhood, as you can see.when I was a kid i used to think mr brownstone was a reealy annoying man who wouldnt leave axl alone and wanted to dance with him, my parents gave me the first gnr album when i was way to young !!!!
Well there it is. The horror story that make schoolchildren weep. The cautionary tale that will steer an entire generation away from the dead end path of drug addiction and misery.I had a dream I met Cosmo from Seinfeld then I woke up and realzied that before I went to sleep I ate a xanax.
You should buy up all you can afford and shoot it in one big dose. I hear that's the best high. Make sure you buy a lot. 20, 30 bags. Take out a loan if you have to. You might need a really big syringe for all that sweet dope, but it will be worth your time to find it.Do any of you vets have any tips on shooting up heroine...
Heroin is made from poppies, and any vegetarian will tell you that plants are healthy food.
I think you should shove the pills up your ass. That will give you the full effect.
Heroin bad? Not in a million years! On the contrary, it's healthy. Heroin is made from poppies, and any vegetarian will tell you that plants are healthy food.
My dead friend told me that the golden rule is to avoid the golden shot.What I'm really wondering is if there is some kind of golden rule Thanks.
Thanks for all the judgement,fellas! Excuse me for wanting to try one of the greatest known pleasures in the world.
Listen, I wouldn't lie to you....is there is some kind of golden rule to hitting the vein and also how do the bubbles (in the needle) work? I've also heard that it takes 3 days in a row to become addicted. Is this true?