Dumber than a bag of idiots (1 Viewer)


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I usually pay less than no attention to Fox News (or any "news" for that matter), but this clip from Fair & Balanced Fox News is too exceptionally idiotic to ignore:

[This video is unavailable.]
That was painful to watch.

Q: You're a Muslim
A: I'm a scholar
Q: You're a Muslim
A: I'm a scholar
Q: You're a filthy Muslim
A: I'm a highly regarded scholar

and neither of them touch on the likelihood that Jesus probably never existed anyway.
Holy shit, yeah, my wife showed me that clip on facebook last night. Fox are moronic and Aslan handled it so excellently. Sure got me interested in reading his book, regardless of whether Jesus actually existed or not.
I almost feel sorry for her. Having said that I would imagine she has no idea how fucking stupid she just made herself look. She's also complete oblivious, it would seem, to the fact that Jesus is a significant figure in Islam, i.e. even if the book was written with a Muslim bias, it should still be obvious why someone who is a Muslim might want to write a biography of Jesus. I'm not sure how he managed to remain so patient either.
The story on this lady is that she is an evangelical christian and has written at least 7 negative pieces on islam without any qualifications other than loving jesus, while the guy that she is blasting has a PhD in religion and is clearly qualified to write about religion. Certainly much more qualified than she is... The irony is lost on her...
Evangelical types never do understand irony, which is ironic in itself, seeing as most of the bible can only be interpreted as being written ironically.
It was your typical Fox News attack on Muslims, liberals and other people they don't like.
Apparently, they think it's wrong for a Muslim to write a book about Jesus and that only Christians are allowed to. With that kinda logic only communists should write about communism and only nazis should write about nazism.

I saw on Facebook some anti-Aslan guy saying that Aslan had misrepresented his scholarly credentials and posted this link to an article about it. I would'nt be surprised if it's a right-wing Christian site:


Even if Aslan did misrepresent his scholarly credentials, it was still an attack by Fox News on a Muslim scholar having the nerve to write a book on Jesus. Fox News wasn't even interested in the content of the book, only that it was written by a Muslim (Sacrilege! Sacrilege!).

The story on this lady is that she is an evangelical christian and has written at least 7 negative pieces on islam without any qualifications other than loving jesus, while the guy that she is blasting has a PhD in religion and is clearly qualified to write about religion. Certainly much more qualified than she is... The irony is lost on her...

Do you have a link to a site telling about her 7 negative pieces on Islam, Bill? I could use it because I'm into a discussion on Facebook where some guy tries to discredit Aslan and it would come in handy if I could prove the interviewer is biased and anti-Islamic.
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The comments section in Bukfans link are cogent and do a nice job of refuting Aslan's supposed academic misrepresentation.
Fox is to news what NASCAR is to sports. An insular noise-fest devoid of subtlety and dedicated to a fabricated morality. Dale Jr. excepted, of course.
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Do you have a link to a site telling about her 7 negative pieces on Islam, Bill? I could use it because I'm into a discussion on Facebook where some guy tries to discredit Aslan and it would come in handy if I could prove the interviewer is biased and anti-Islamic.

I don't have the link. it was mentioned in an article about her and the interview. My guess is that it was an attack piece on her little "news" show although it could have been a written piece.
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You've got to admit Fux News do stupid exceedingly well, despite his clear and concise repetition that he was a theologian, she would not stray from the line of questioning. It would have been funny if it was not also scary and depressing. It leads you to consider are they actually an extremely brilliant counter-intelligence left wing organisation masquerading as a right wing news company, to make the left look really good, because they do.
THIS was a great article. It is funny. I almost feel bad for Bill O'Reilly for being Ailes bitch and not being able to do much about it. Must be painful to realized that you are owned by another person. You can tell they are not a real news organization and are only a propaganda when they make bold lies like THIS. Fair and Balanced indeed! Ha.
THIS was a great article. It is funny. I almost feel bad for Bill O'Reilly for being Ailes bitch and not being able to do much about it.
It is funny you should say that because, for some reason I may grudgingly, on occasion, possibly not dislike Bill O'Reilly (can't stand his politics or newsbroadcasting methods, his facial expressions, haircut, tone of voice or delivery and er, fashion sense) but he is a bit of a maverick and goes his own way, which I like. But cannot stomach the rest of them.
The Westboro Baptist Church (or should it be family instead of church?) is left-wing? In that case Fox News must be way to the right of the church, if that's at all possible.
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I have'nt read the Wikipedia article before but I've watched the documentary on TV and also Theroux's follow up documentary in which he visits the church again and finds out a couple of the younger members have left the church and their parents have disowned them (of course).
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Since the thread refers to Fux News, some more booing and hissing; a quarrel this week between Sean Hannity and Russell Brand, Hannity responds to Brand's video by amongst other things ridiculing the way Brand looks, got to say, it's infinitely preferable to looking like a Fox News presenter, Hannity looks like Buzz Lightyear's evil twin. All of them look like they were churned out of Stepford.

The squabble:

and then:

Some change! :aerb: Poor Glenn Beck. What have the world come to when you can't call homosexuals for fags and black people for niggers on TV? What's wrong with a little bit of homophobia and racism? Next, you can't even called the President for a Marxist-socialist-Muslim-Kenyan. I guess nobody is interested in the truth anymore. :p

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