Can anyone link me to the earliest video of Bukowski or at least a video that is around the same time? Thanks.
maybe this
You know that they didn't have video tape in the 1940s and 50s, right? I mean, you must know that, being a genius and all.This is pretty awesome but I was kind of hoping there was video of him in his 20's or 30's.
Wow, the guy gives you a nice early video and you call him a dick?dick
This is pretty awesome but I was kind of hoping there was video of him in his 20's or 30's. I guess that is pretty wishful thinking though.
that photo of john Wayne looks like something off a Smiths Album.
Just sayin....
He's only 14 in those videos.
Why so hostile?
Grow a sense of humor, dumbass.
You should probably grow a sense of humor since this is obviously a joke. Also, they had film in the 40's. See video of FDR for reference.
Thank you Bill for posting Conan O'Brien from his singing career.
I do have some home movies of the Bukowskis in 1929 at Hanukkah. With the Mogan David Wine and little Heinrich lighting the Menorah and spinning his Dreidle. I cannot show the actual film until 2016 but I have a cartoon version that I can show you to give you an idea. . Don't worry it's not Conan.
I'm working on a deal to obtain the very earliest photo of Heinrich in 1920 a copy of his ultra sound. Yes the Germans were way ahead of the world on that too. Okay, dick?
Maybe is THIS John Wayne instead...?
You asked for video.they had film in the 40's.