Digney in Burnaby
donkeys live a long time
I don't remember ever seeing an English version of this in Heavy Metal. I would have bought it back then if I had.
Le Truc Sur Buk.
Le Truc Sur Buk.
... They asked me to confirm, that I agree to look at confronting stuff, but after I did, nothing happened.
[...] have no idea why you couldn't, roni.
I have OCR'd the text - it may still have some spelling errors.
Oh this translation machine is great ! I didn't know it ! Sure, it' better than a mere summary !I've spell checked it to the best of my ability but there's probably still some errors. If any of our French speaking friends would like to correct the text I will update the file.
[...] what did Kafka speak, Czech? - is that even a language?
Czech is a language.
Kafka wrote in German.
Here is the corrected french version. I hope I didn't miss any error.
[...] I can put them here if somebody is interested.