Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions... - magazine column sources (1 Viewer)

Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions…

(the first person to fill in all the blanks receives a very, very cheap bottle of wine!)
again, thanks to Digney for many of these!

The Most Beautiful Woman In Town
NOLA #80, 1971

Kid Stardust On The Porterhouse

Life In A Texas Whorehouse
NOLA #68, November 13-26, 1970

Six Inches
NOLA #62, August 21-September 3, 1970

The Fuck Machine
NOLA #45, December 19, 1969-January 1, 1970

The Gut-Wringing Machine

3 Women

3 Chickens

Ten Jack-Offs

Twelve Flying Monkeys…

25 Bums In Rags

Non-Horseshit Horse Advice

Another Horse Story
Open City, September 7-13, 1968

The Birth, Life And Death…
Evergreen Review Vol. 13, No. 70, September 1969

Life And Death In The Charity Ward

The Day We Talked About James Thurber
Evergreen Review Vol. 14, No. 74, January 1970

All The Great Writers

The Copulating Mermaid…
Knight, Vol. 7, No. 9, January 1970

Trouble With A Battery

NOLA #73, January 22-February 4, 1971

Politics Is Like Trying To Screw A Cat In The Ass

My Big-Assed Mother

A Lovely Love Affair
NOLA #69, November 27-December 10, 1970

All The Pussy We Want
NOLA #61, August 7-20, 1970

The Beginner
NOLA #54, May 1-14, 1970

The Fiend
Adam Magazine, 1970

The Murder Of Ramon Vasquez

A Drinking Partner
NOLA #78, 1971

The White Beard
NOLA #70, December 11-24, 1970

A White Pussy

A .45 To Pay The Rent

Doing Time With Public Enemy No. 1

Scenes From The Big Time
NOLA #49, February 20-March 5, 1970

Nut Ward Just East Of Hollywood
Knight, Vol. 8, No. 5, September 1970

Would You Suggest Writing As A Career?
NOLA #77, 1971

The Great Zen Wedding
Knight, Vol. 7, No. 12, April 1970

Pix Vol. 3, 1971

Cunt And Kant And A Happy Home

Goodbye Watson

Great Poets Die In Steaming Pots Of Shit

My Stay In The Poet’s Cottage

The Stupid Christs

Too Sensitive

Rape! Rape!

An Evil Town
NOLA #64, September 18-October 1, 1970

Love It Or Leave It
NOLA #60, July 24-August 6, 1970

A Dollar And Twenty Cents

No Stockings

A Quiet Conversation Piece

Beer And Poets And Talk

I Shot A Man In Reno

A Rain Of Women

Night Streets Of Madness

Purple As An Iris
NOLA #71 December 25-January 7, 1970

Eyes Like The Sky

One For Walter Lowenfels

Notes Of A Potential Suicide
NOLA #55, May 15-28, 1970

Notes On The Pest

A Bad Trip

Animal Crackers In My Soup
Pix Vol 4, No. 8, 1972, according to the database, but also in
Adam, V.16, #1, Feb. 1972, not sure which came first.

A Popular Man

Flower Horse

The Big Pot Game
Open City #20, September 14-21, 1967

The Blanket
The Fiend
Adam Magazine, vol. 14, no. 2, February 1970

Great Poets Die In Steaming Pots Of Shit
Open City, January 12-17, 1968
also in Knight vol. 8, no. 9, 1971.
don't know which was first since we don't have a publication month for any of the mags.
I think the Knight one pre-dates the Pix one by a month or 2, but my mags aren't easily accessible at present.
Off the top of my head I don't recall any of the rest in mags prior to the publication of Erections; e.g 3 Chickens appeared in a later issue of Hustler.

Sounds lazy I know, but if I can get to my mags I will check them out. They're being safely stored elsewhere due to some home improvements...
Swastika, as it appeared in the East Village Other. Says 1971. There seemed to be a co-operative syndication of writings in the underground press, so one piece of writing could make it around to the rest of the country's underground newspapers. Don't know if the writer got paid once (most likely), if at all (more likely), or each time it appeared (not likely).

Scroll down on the link for a larger view of the story.
The Gut-Wringing Machine
Open City #87, January 17-23, 1969

3 Women
New York Review of Sex and Politics, vol. 1, no. 13, September 15, 1969

3 Chickens
Open City #36, January 5-11, 1968

Ten Jack-Offs
Open City #54, May 31-June 6, 1968

Twelve Flying Monkeys
Knight, vol. 8, no. 11, May 1971

25 Bums In Rags
Open City #77, November 8-14, 1968

Non-Horseshit Horse Advice
Open City #3, May 19-25, 1967

Life and Death in the Charity Ward
Berkeley Barb, vol. 13 no. 14 (issue 332) October 15-21 1971
+ London Magazine vol. 14 no. 5 December 1974/January 1975

Trouble With a Battery
Open City #78, November 15-21, 1968

Politics Is Like Trying To Screw A Cat In The Ass
Open City #40, February 2-8, 1968
Last edited:
My Big-Assed Mother
Open City #91, February 15-22, 1969

A White Pussy
Open City #50, April 12-18, 1968

A .45 to Pay the Rent
Open City #90, February 7-14, 1969

Doing Time With Public Enemy No. 1
Open City #38, January 19-25, 1968

Cunt and Kant and a Happy Home
Open City #82, December 13-19, 1968

Goodbye Watson
Open City #64, August 9-15, 1968

My Stay in the Poet’s Cottage
Open City #11, July 14-20, 1967

The Stupid Christs
Open City #92, February 23-March 1, 1969

Too Sensitive
Open City #9, June 30-July 6, 1967

A Dollar and Twenty Cents
Open City #24, October 11-17, 1967
Beer and Poets and Talk
Open City #14, August 4-11, 1967

I Shot a Man in Reno
Open City #72, October 4-10, 1968

A Rain of Women
Open City #79, November 22-28, 1968

Night Streets of Madness
Open City #89, January 31-February 6, 1969

Eyes Like the Sky
Open City #6, June 9-16, 1967

One for Walter Lowenfels
Open City #73, October 11-17, 1968

Notes on the Pest
Open City #12, July 21-27, 1967

A Bad Trip
Open City #22, September 27-October 3, 1967

A Popular Man
Open City #83, December 20-26, 1968

Flower Horse
Open City #27, November 3-9, 1967
More sources:

Rape! Rape!
NoaDOM, NOLA Express 52, April 3-16, 1970

No Stockings
NoaDOM, NOLA Express 36, August 15-28, 1969

A Quiet Conversation Piece
NoaDOM, Open City, July 19-25, 1968

The Blanket
"A Murder" in Notes from Underground n1, 1964 (NoaDOM, Open City, December 6-12, 1968)

Kid Stardust on the Porterhouse
NoaDOM, Open City, July 5-11, 1968

The Birth, Life and Death of an Underground Newspaper
Evergreen Review, vol. 13, no. 70, September 1969

The Copulating Mermaid of Venice, California
Knight, vol. 7, no. 9, January 1970

Two stories from Erections still need sources: All the Great Writers (one of my favourites) and The Murder of Ramon Vasquez.

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