euthanize my cat??!! (1 Viewer)


I think that I think too much
Founding member
remember the poem where Buk takes his cat to the vet and the woman talks of euthanizing it? I had a simular thing happen to me today, took mine in for treatment for a bladder infection, when I recieved the paper work, at the top of the page in big black letters was the word euthanize, kind of humorous but then again not really, man, I wanted to jump over the counter and choke that fat bitch! :mad: of course then I thought better of it. I couldn't help but think of that poem though. can anyone tell me the name of it and the book? I'm too lazy to look through them all......
oh no, no, no it was all a mistake, all I wanted was some anti-biotics for her, she's been with me a long time now, and has been through some hellish times with me when no one else would stick around. a real pal.
Oh, that's good to know then.
I don't think I could ever euthanize a pet, even if he was terminally ill.
I would always feel guilty and lazy for not standing by the creature. Of course, there are those who argue that it would inflict more suffering on the terminally ill pet...

As for the poem, can't help, I'd suggest looking on the poem database, though?
I "euthenized" my cat about a week and a half ago. He had lung cancer, probably just in the last month, but it was time to go.

I think it was the right thing to do for him. And I feel someone took a pliers to my guts and rippped them out.
Hey slimedog, that is pure shit brother.
I remember the day we put my dog down - cancer also.
Guts out with pliers is exactly right.
The dog actually cried (tears) and as she cried, looked around the room at our family for one last time, then slipped away.
Man, I get out of shape just typing this.

Why do we do this to ourselves?
Bring these beautiful creatures into our lives only to have to watch them leave all too soon.

So here's to your cat and my dog and all the dead pets out there;

The House Dog's Grave (Haig, an English bulldog)

I've changed my ways a little; I cannot now
Run with you in the evenings along the shore,
Except in a kind of dream; and you, if you dream a moment,
You see me there.

So leave awhile the paw-marks on the front door
Where I used to scratch to go out or in,
And you'd soon open; leave on the kitchen floor
The marks of my drinking-pan.

I cannot lie by your fire as I used to do
On the warm stone,
Nor at the foot of your bed; no, all the night through
I lie alone.

But your kind thought has laid me less than six feet
Outside your window where firelight so often plays,
And where you sit to read--and I fear often grieving for me--
Every night your lamplight lies on my place.

You, man and woman, live so long, it is hard
To think of you ever dying
A little dog would get tired, living so long.
I hope than when you are lying

Under the ground like me your lives will appear
As good and joyful as mine.
No, dear, that's too much hope: you are not so well cared for
As I have been.

And never have known the passionate undivided
Fidelities that I knew.
Your minds are perhaps too active, too many-sided. . . .
But to me you were true.

You were never masters, but friends. I was your friend.
I loved you well, and was loved. Deep love endures
To the end and far past the end. If this is my end,
I am not lonely. I am not afraid. I am still yours.

Robinson Jeffers, 1941
Euthanized our cat

My wife and I had to euthanize our cat recently, and it just broke me up. Yes, I know it was "just a cat," but this was no ordinary cat. It wasn't afraid of anything, and when it looked at me I could read in its eyes, "I have the wisdom of the universe and I know the secrets of life, but I'm not going to tell you because you couldn't handle it." It was rough letting her go, but she was in pain and she had no quality of life (I'll spare you the details).

You have to know when to let go.
Hey all, I didn't mean to bring back all those sad memories and emotions for you, its just that sometimes I relate happinings in my life to things that I have read. my cat is fine, just a small urinary infection (as cats often get) still haven't found the poem. its hard to hunt these things down by titles. sorry for all of your losses. now I wish that I hadn't started this thread....
Hey all, I didn't mean to bring back all those sad memories and emotions for you, its just that sometimes I relate happinings in my life to things that I have read. my cat is fine, just a small urinary infection (as cats often get) still haven't found the poem. its hard to hunt these things down by titles. sorry for all of your losses. now I wish that I hadn't started this thread....
Once again I am the idiot, I do not know the name of the poem you are looking for, but we all know the pain of losing a faithful friend. Please rest assured that as soon as the Buk Forum scholars sober up after this weekends celebrations they will show you where to find the poem you are looking for.
remember the poem where Buk takes his cat to the vet and the woman talks of euthanizing it? I had a simular thing happen to me today, took mine in for treatment for a bladder infection, when I recieved the paper work, at the top of the page in big black letters was the word euthanize, kind of humorous but then again not really, man, I wanted to jump over the counter and choke that fat bitch! :mad: of course then I thought better of it. I couldn't help but think of that poem though. can anyone tell me the name of it and the book? I'm too lazy to look through them all......

I've lost my both of my cats in the last year. I don't know what it is about cats exactly - Bukowski wrote about his cats often. They do seem to know something we don't. I think we could learn a lot from them if we tried.

Anyway, the poem you're after is terminology from 'War All the Time'.



my other favorite cat seemed to be dying and
I had him in and out of the vet's
for x-rays, consultations, injections,

"anything at all," I told the doc,
"let's try to keep him going ..."

one morning I drove over to pick him
up and the girl at the counter
a vast girl in a wrap-around white
nurse's outfit
asked me, "do you want your cat put
to sleep?"

"what?" I asked.

she repeated her

"put to sleep?" I asked, "you mean

"well, yes," she said, smiling with her
tiny eyes, then looking at the card
in her hand she said, "oh, I see it was
Mrs. Evans who wanted it done ..."

"really?" I asked.

"sorry," she said and walked into the other
room with her card and her sorry fat ass and
her sorry walk and her sorry life and
her sorry death and her sorry Mrs. Evans and
both of their sorry fat shits.

I walked over, sat down and opened up a
cat magazine, then closed it, thinking, it's

just her job, it's something she does, she doesn't
kill the cats.

when she came into the office again she no
longer quite disgusted me and I opened the pages
of the cat magazine again and looked at and turned
the pages as if I had forgotten everything, which
I hadn't

Thanks Hank Solo, you are (once again) the man!! your knowledge truely amazes me. I also thank all who replyed to my post. I want to make clear that my cat was not and is not going to be euthanized (thank God) and again I'm sorry to hear of all of your loss's.
Thanks ROC for the kind words and nice poem and others for their memories.
I write for a local music paper in Boston and my cat (with my aid) did also. He was remembered in their messageboard and the thread was put into the "important" section. But all our pets are put into the important section of our lives, as they deserve to be, after all, we're all creatures in this mad exsistence. Here's a little something I wrote:

I had plenty of family pets in my life but this was my first pet. A good friend of mine had a (sucessful) kidney transplant 10 years ago and couldn't keep him while she recovered. He had a difficult personality and I was the only one he somewhat accepted. I wish I could save all the creatures of this world but he was thrown into my lap and I vowed to myself I'd stick by him. I knew if I gave up on him he'd have little chance.

It was difficult at first but it was a great experience, when he got diabetes 3 or 4 years ago there was no question but to stick by him. He almost died from it 4 or 5 times but we had great vets, we tried our best and he was a real fighter. I always thought the diabetes would get him eventually but it seems lung cancer hit him about a month ago. So that tough mother fucker won his battle against diabetes.

I always told him, "You will always be my cat," and I meant two things by that. First, as long as I outlived him I would always be by his side. Second, long after he's gone I would remember him. We live in the present but all our actions are guided by memories.

It was tough being with him as he was given his last shot. At first I said I didn't want to be there. But I was, hard as it was, looking in his eyes, calmly patting and talking to him soothingly as he went away. I took care of him his whole damned life I wasn't gonna quit at the end.

Read a funny interview with Linda Lee Bukowski:
Question: " What are the names of Bukowski`s cats ? "
LLB: " This is pathetic....." Okay there's Beeker, Ting, Ding, Beauty , Bhau, Feather, Craney, Patches..."

Of course this is pathetic but maybe it will encourage you all a little bit.

By the way the interview was published in " Free Thought " magazine Vol. II, Issue I, Sommer 2000
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