'I took the wheel and ran the cab up to 50 m.p.h.
"You set the record, eh Pops? I'm going to shoot your ass right off the map!"
"Blow out the earwax! I'm going to take you, Pops! I once shook hands with Max Baer! I was once gardiner for Tex Ritter! Kiss your ass goodbye!"
"You're ridin' the goddamned brake! Take your foot off the god damned brake!"
"Sing me a song Pops! Sing me your little song! I've got fourty love letters from Mae West in my dufflebag!"
"You can't beat me!"
I didn't wait for the gun. I hit the brakes. I guessed right.
The gun and my foot hit at the same time. I beaty his world record by fifteen feet and nine-tenths of a second. That's what he said at first. Then he changed his tune and said that I had cheated. I said, "O.k., write me up for whatever you want but just get us out of the L.A. river. It's not going to rain, so we won't be able to catch any fish."
"Now," said Smithson, "and goddamned you, McBride, wake up and listen to me...... now, when is the only time a man can lose control of his cab and not be able to help it?"
"When I get a hard-on?" said some cracker.
"Mendoza, if you can't drive with a hard-on we can't use you. Some of our best men drive with hard-ons all day long, and all night too"
He turns anything into something worthy of observation.
thanks for giving away the ending.