Of course, I didn't want to infer that all soccer-players are idiots or that you have to be one to play or like soccer. It's okay, I mean, what the hell. It's a sport and an industry. I like to watch some kids kicking the ball in some backyard and having fun with it, as long as I don't have to attend.
But I simply hate the hype, the mass-hysteria and the fact that simply everybody is an expert on the subject around here and, what's worse, will spill his expertise unasked in your ear at every chance you give him. I am simply ignorant and now nothing about it and whenever anybody starts to get excited on the subject, I wait for it to pass like a cough attack so that we can go on doing what we were doing before it started.
Also I don't get the identification with one team up to the point of losing your own identity, grown men breaking down and crying and punching themselves in the faces when their fucking club or whatever loses against the "enemy". Waving little colored flags, wearing caps, all that.
It's the sport in Austria, and that makes it the stupidest. Next comes skiing.