This seller is back with another copy for sale.|65:10|39:1|240:1318
There are some things in the list that are very troubling to me.
1) according to the photos, this is the exact same copy that they "sold" a couple weeks ago. Skyline Books was the buyer of that last copy, so you know that the sale went through and that it was legit enough to pass muster with someone like Skyline.
2) They mention that they have an inscribed copy in their "library" and have sold other copies of this book. How many do they have? I know that the publisher was very tight with copies of this and that Buk had a tough time getting a copy for the guy who illustrated the cover.
Something does not smell right.
p.s. In true bookseller fashion, the book is now listed on Abe for $4000, which is nearly twice what they just paid for it two weeks ago. I'm all for sellers buying for less than they sell for and understand that they need to turn a profit, but if the book sells at a public auction for $2210, then that is what it is worth. This was not a book dealer only auction, it was open to the public, which is a damn fine way to set the real value of an item, especially now that this second one is on the block. This second sale, when averaged with the first would be a good judge of the actual value at this time. The thing is that I would not be at all surprised if they got the $4000 for this from someone.
Looking at it again, it seems that the numbers on the title page, although identical are in fact in different places, so these appear to be two different books, which does not ease my mind yet. There is still seems to be something very odd here.