Here goes my vanity again, quoting myself. [No, it doesn't. -moderator]
So let me change gears, if y'all will oblige me that courtesy... (sp, I know with y'all, but I've only lived in Florida for two years.)
PB"V" is sitting quietly with over one hundred of its brethren "” not the victim of an eBay sale. Safe and sound.
The book, while pissed off at the world for those not willing to offer a new home, has expounded a few morsels for the table.
It is happy here. It enjoys classical music, and '60s rock 'n roll. (Ditto, for sure, but throw in some blues and southern, SRV, LS, AB, and other R&R that really rocked the house.)
It has no interest in politics (unlike many other books), and enjoys a good steak every now and then. I guess that explains the red ink? (No tofu here, either.)
When the grapefruits fall in the back yard, it can hear them. (I can't.)
But it prefers the mangos, the ones the squirrels don't pick when they are small. (I "k" good.)
The japanese pairs aren't bad, but it's too much work sometimes for such a small piece of fruit. (What?)
The papayas are a turn off, and we have far too many of them. (I never liked 'em either.)
And lacrosse is its favorite sport. (Mine, too.)
And what's PB"V's" fave book? Not one at all. (Mine: Shakespeare Riverside Edition, with all my mark-ups.)
Of course it is, "V" for Vendetta: Remember, remember the fifth of November... But that was yesterday (lol).
Heady shit for a book, I know.
As Seger once sang, "turn the page." And I will. (We will; and the rest of the collection is silently "” hiding, me thinks.)
So, I must say to my book, PB"V," "Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky, Like a patient etherized upon a table;..." Ah, TS
Not quite to the bottom of the rabbit hole yet, more to follow...