Forgive my ignorance (1 Viewer)

One or two of you are already aware that I am currently in virginal gobsmacked mode when it comes to finding Bukowski. I tend to look, smell, taste, feel, experience on as simple a level as possible and do not feel this detracts from who I am. Having said this, so far there has been a refreshing absence of heads up arseholes on this educating trip I'm taking.
I still feel I have to ask you to forgive my ignorance and I do of course realise this is a major issue on my part. I just fucking love the way Bukowski writes about now. It may well be in the past; written very much in the now. Never, ever, so far into my discovery anyway, in the future which fascinates me. At the risk of feeling like a complete cunt, did he ever cross paths with either or both of the Guthrie's?
As I am new and have a tongue anticipating lapping, would any of you be kind enough to recommend a couple or three other writer type people?
Many cheers!
Incidentally (though not as this moment) what is "candlewick" and why would he have tasted it?
By "both of the Guthrie's", do you mean the folksingers Woody Guthrie and his son Arlo Guthrie?

For three "writer type people", check out these three influences of Buk's: John Fante, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, and Robinson Jeffers.
was woodie guthrie a contemporary of buk's? woodie guthrie sang lots about train hopping and hoboing, which bukowski wrote about too. i doubt they influenced each other, but perhaps were aware of each other.
Aware of each other? No way. Guthrie was born in 1912 and sealed his legacy in the late 1940's, early-to-mid 1950's; Bukowski was born in 1920 and didn't start getting seriously published until the 1960s. No correlation whatsoever.
so woodie guthrie came before buk - and sang and wrote about the lowdown hobo skidrow life of the time - and buk was not aware of this? he4 must've been. woodie guthrie would not have been aware of buk, but buk aware of him - i would think this likely.
You asked if Bukowski and Guthrie were contemporaries. I answered you: No, they were not. Would Bukowski have known of Guthrie? Probably. Maybe.

So what?

All art informs other art, or, as John Updike once put it: "The world keeps ending but new people too dumb to know it keep showing up as if the fun's just started."
back when buk was on the road and those lost ten years, that was after the depression era, huh? with woodie guthrie. wwII times, when he was jeered for not joining the service and joining rr track teams to work his way back west. i have visited just a couple of hobo camps in my time, and both woodie and arlo still hold up as true. so does buk. i wonder how much the folkloric tradition of hoboing captured buk's spirit? is sure captured mine!
Hobo camps ... great piece on that in Hemingway's Nick Adams Stories, other'n that potential inspiration on C.B. your attempt at capturing some intersection between Bukowski and Depression-era mythos is not well-essayed enough to warrant further discussion. However, if you care to flesh out your argument, I will gladly listen to and respond to what you have to say ...
wow great shots fadda...friends of yours...? I've seen some great docs on trainhopping and hobo life - "train on the brain" is one - - bad trailer but really good flick.
great pics father. reminded me of earlier journeys from my youth. anarchist/squatter will be in my soul forever, hoboing, trainhopping, living life. could ol' buk have handled it? s'pose so, but it is not the life for the old and weary. it takes it's toll.
Hey, long time lurker and lover of Bukowski. My name is Rocky. Those photographs are by Kidd Polaroid and are titled "Ridin' Dirty Face." Just in case anybody was wondering. Thanks.
Hey, long time lurker and lover of Bukowski. My name is Rocky. Those photographs are by Kidd Polaroid and are titled "Ridin' Dirty Face." Just in case anybody was wondering. Thanks.

Cool. Thanks for putting a name to the pictures, Rocky.
My computer got Polio, and I have been fixing
it for the last five days.
Yeah I was visiting a girl in Oakland. She had a newspaper which her sister was cutting up to make wrapping paper for a gift for her father before they took him to the horse track in Berkeley. I grabbed part of the paper because I saw William T. Vollmann's name on it. Then it mentioned some show that featured the photographs, which you posted; that's how I knew.
Thank you

Thanks for your posts. You all seem to have picked up on my Guthrie question, though no one has commented on my candlewick query at the end of my post. Was this because it really was a very stupid question?
I guess the word is literal but why would Bukowski eat candles?
Btw, did you realise that Bon Scott wrote and sang Back In Black? The first time I heard him sing it I freaked right out.
I'm just listening to Joe Walsh's "Life's Been Good To Me So Far". Always makes me laugh.......
"I go to parties, sometimes until 4,
it's hard to leave when you can't find the door"

"My Mazarati does 185,
I lost my licence, now I don't drive"

Heehee. I'm leaving my lovely home country of England today to go and live on the Greek island of Paros. I lived there 14 years ago for a year. 14 years seems extremely significant for some reason. Well, so the pixie told me.
Anyways I guess you switched off some time ago with this drivel so goodbye. I will try and log in on Paros, especially to keep the occasional touch with that good old boy Father Luke. Sound as a pound that geezer.
Thanks for your posts. You all seem to have picked up on my Guthrie question, though no one has commented on my candlewick query at the end of my post. Was this because it really was a very stupid question?
I guess the word is literal but why would Bukowski eat candles?

candle wicking can also mean tweaking nipples.
Kof, I'm sure Buk had occasion to do that.

Btw, did you realise that Bon Scott wrote and sang Back In Black? The first time I heard him sing it I freaked right out.

Urban Legend. It's really a cover sung by
Joe Lynn Turner along with Band Members from
L.A. Guns, and others.

I will try and log in on Paros, especially to keep the occasional touch with that good old boy Father Luke. Sound as a pound that geezer.

geezer ?!? ;)

Oh dear, I just went on another part of my brain and the first thing I was informed is that Geezer in North American means old.
Anyways, this is the English version explained by someone who has a very interesting job


  • uptodate3_diamond_geezer_transcript.pdf
    32.3 KB · Views: 271

So your Guthrie question was asked to mess with us and see what we said? Did you care what the answer was?


Any opinions on Hank that don't involve Bon Scott, Joe Walsh, Woodie Guthrie?

Just curious.


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