If this Arapaho or Arpeggio or whatever his name is was locking up politicians (not some of them, all of them) and the heads of the big investment banks and insurance companies and making them work out in the Arizona sun in pink jumpsuits without water, we'd probably all be hailing him as the savior of society. Unfortunately, all the wrong people are in prison, but that is never, ever going to change. Never. And you know it's never going to change. So now what?
I'm not particularly into torturing or executing people for no reason, but honestly, if you dropped a bomb on the Los Angeles County jail, the city would be better off. Much better off. Then we could rebuild the jail, fill it up again, and drop another bomb on it. Repeat as necessary. Anyone who thinks I'm kidding, or that we're being "too hard" on the poor unfortunate bastards should go live with them for a few days. With the doors locked behind you.
I'm not talking about the guys in there for selling herb or crack or whatever date-rape drug all the cool kids are taking this year. I'm talking about the fuckers who would maim or kill you for a pocketful of that stuff (or the $31 you made selling it) and not give it a second thought. Please tell me how we rehabilitate them. They are broken beyond repair. Yes, I blame the system and our society for that, not the broken people. But the system is not going to change, and here we are in a world full of the monsters that system has created.
So now what?
Send them a few books I guess.
That's what I'm going to do, because I sympathize with prisoners. I would rather most of them were sent to Siberia to freeze or were vaporized with one of the LA County jail bombs, but while they're alive, I feel bad for them. They are victims, we are victims, and meanwhile - as always throughout history - the real criminals are laughing at us as we argue with each other over which one of them to vote for. As if it matters. I can see why they laugh.