Ah, Greetings! (God afton!) (another god damn swede)
Thought I'd introduce myself before i'll make a possible first post in the forum. Been following the threads for about maybe 6 months. Will probably continue just reading what you fellows are posting and not post myself but hey, who knows!
23 years old but an avid Bukowski reader and first-editions collector. I've written my Bachelor degree paper on the poetry of Mr. Buewkouwski.
I've read all of the novels, some of the short stories, two letter collections and almost all of his collections of poetry. I definitely prefer Bukowski the poet!
Most recently read Pulp thou and found it to be really funny!
Well thats all for me folks! Cheers!
(Just recieved a 1/1 Factotum HC and a 1/1 Roominghouse M. HC today - probably what gave me the inspiration for taking the giant leap-of-faith and leaving my bubble of solitude)
Thought I'd introduce myself before i'll make a possible first post in the forum. Been following the threads for about maybe 6 months. Will probably continue just reading what you fellows are posting and not post myself but hey, who knows!
23 years old but an avid Bukowski reader and first-editions collector. I've written my Bachelor degree paper on the poetry of Mr. Buewkouwski.
I've read all of the novels, some of the short stories, two letter collections and almost all of his collections of poetry. I definitely prefer Bukowski the poet!
Most recently read Pulp thou and found it to be really funny!
Well thats all for me folks! Cheers!
(Just recieved a 1/1 Factotum HC and a 1/1 Roominghouse M. HC today - probably what gave me the inspiration for taking the giant leap-of-faith and leaving my bubble of solitude)