If you are an author, you write the book - the transmission is up to you - you can't control the reception.
Oh God, I can't wait for a new post by number 5 :)My book is only available to those who can confirm to me they are truely objective...
More info will be available soon.
My book is only available to those who can confirm to me they are truely objective...
More info will be available soon.
Thanks number5!!!ponder, i'll keep you updated.
and i don't give a rats ass about what publishers think
this is exactly what my subliminal message was all about.
As a publisher myself, please count me out too. Not interested.
Oh hold on!!!
Let me suck up to you!
Poor bastard.Still leaves ponder as the one candidate. Please hold.
And i don't understand why everybody is ranting about getting stuff published,
where did I mention that?! Well?
That's what I thought.
Oh and typos and sintaxical errors are perfectly fine on forums. Online correctness is for geeks.
Number5 you read like a bloody moron... and your 'book' is no doubt the results of your infantile mind railing against its obvious inadequacies.
Take your "book', your rude online rants and your pissy attitude and shove them so far up your ass that your eye balls bulge.
Oh, and change your name to Number2 please - it would be more appropriate.
Oh and typos and sintaxical errors are perfectly fine on forums. Online correctness is for geeks.
he could be what salmon rushdie was
for the extremists
I asked number5 to play nice. We'll see if s/he has it in him/her. Maybe s/he is just a misunderstood genius.
You know, like all of us.