this story starts like many do, with a wife picking grapefruits in a back yard in florida.
and a miracle happens.
here's how it all path to an eBay fortune, hopefully.
we live in tampa, florida, and have five grapefruit trees, a mango tree, two papaya trees, and a japanese pear tree, which has another name i can't spell or pronounce. apologies.
but let's keep this short: the mrs. comes running in one morning and states, "honey, i have a grapefruit with the number 17 on it." i laugh, as i'm not normally called honey, and think she is pulling my leg - which were both propped up on an ottoman, watching ESPN. (my legs can see, by the way.)
she laughs, hands it to me, and sure as shit, there's the number 17.
my mind whirls, probably from having too much booze the night before, but, like ralph cramden (sp?) i get it.
i'm gonna be rich.
i go to the 7-eleven around the corner that day and put down a tensky on 017 - straight. another five on 017 - straight/box.
big money coming.
long story short, it misses.
i play it again the next day, same dollars, same results.
i want to cut open the grapefruit, eat the fucker, but just laugh - and think of eBay.
so here is a picture of my grapefruit below.
but i need advice.
as i have queried as to the prices of some of my rare buk books here, and received sage advice, what can i sell a grapefruit for with the number 17 on it?
thanks for any and all input, as this is my retirement fund. i have "w" to thank for that.
if you think i'm kidding, take a look at it. this bad boy is a rare fruit...
homeless mind
and a miracle happens.
here's how it all path to an eBay fortune, hopefully.
we live in tampa, florida, and have five grapefruit trees, a mango tree, two papaya trees, and a japanese pear tree, which has another name i can't spell or pronounce. apologies.
but let's keep this short: the mrs. comes running in one morning and states, "honey, i have a grapefruit with the number 17 on it." i laugh, as i'm not normally called honey, and think she is pulling my leg - which were both propped up on an ottoman, watching ESPN. (my legs can see, by the way.)
she laughs, hands it to me, and sure as shit, there's the number 17.
my mind whirls, probably from having too much booze the night before, but, like ralph cramden (sp?) i get it.
i'm gonna be rich.
i go to the 7-eleven around the corner that day and put down a tensky on 017 - straight. another five on 017 - straight/box.
big money coming.
long story short, it misses.
i play it again the next day, same dollars, same results.
i want to cut open the grapefruit, eat the fucker, but just laugh - and think of eBay.
so here is a picture of my grapefruit below.
but i need advice.
as i have queried as to the prices of some of my rare buk books here, and received sage advice, what can i sell a grapefruit for with the number 17 on it?
thanks for any and all input, as this is my retirement fund. i have "w" to thank for that.
if you think i'm kidding, take a look at it. this bad boy is a rare fruit...
homeless mind