May I muse? .....reading cireita's thread of new vs. older Bukowski work caused me to reflect. I first discovered Bukowski in 1977, "Love is a dog from hell", while living with my then girlfreind now x-wife in a transient hotel in Palo Alto Calif. Man, i was blown away and immediately addicted, finally a voice that almost somehow justified my existence, I felt like i had met a kindred soul as i was living (hell, I still am) a similar lifestyle as the ones that he wrote about, even toying with poetry since i was a child. Over the years I have read everything by buk that was easily available. (this sight is a treasure! thanks mjp) finally after having read (and re-read) all that i could find, I caught up to his most current writings with "Betting on the muse". since then i have been able to keep up as new books are released. I have noticed the coolest thing! (at least to me) as Bukowski grew older his demeanor and raw edgy attitude mellowed with age, not completely of course, (thank God) but one tends to grow tired of fighting all of it all the time and starts looking the world with a somewhat kinder less angry(?) (not less cynical) attitude. Me too. So I guess I have been blessed so to speak, growing older with buk. Finding solace in the words of a fellow aging outsider. I know that some on this sight have expressed their caution of (anti) hero worship, but for those of us that have lived our lives "out there" its sure been great to have a man to look up (?) to (or is this just me?) and sometimes when my life was just the shittiest, i would think, what would Buk do? It always helped me to see somekind of profound, ironic (sometime morbid) humor, in some really ugly situations (still does). So now I can only hope that Bukowski has left a shitload of unpublished later work, as i loath living without, what has been words of wisdom from a master at the "real" life......