Has this ever happened to you? (1 Viewer)

After watching "Born into this", I was so moved and DYING to share my love of Bukowski with someone that I emailed the poem "The Bluebird" to an old friend of mine. I said something like... "Hey, this made me think of you, I know you like poetry (I usually don't like poetry) Do you love Bukowski? How the hell are ya?"...etc. What I meant was that I was hoping she would "get it", and it made me think of her because I knew she was a big poetry fan. WELL.....she took it totally personally, like I thought she was some sad, damaged person and proceded to tell me how HAPPY in her life she was now. And that she found FUN wherever she could and was so goddamned happy that she was growing flowers out of her ass and smiled constantly. whatever.
This has not happened to me but I can tell you in my newly found enthusiasm I have mentioned Bukowski enough that when I do, my husbands eyes glaze over but not before I see a flash of resentment and horror as if this Bukowski guy was someone who I was fucking on the side.
So I dont talk about him anymore.
ON judgement day there will be an accounting. And all those who loved Buk and remained faithful to his ways will be sent to a large Heavenly Bar while the rest will be left to play harps and shit like that.

how HAPPY in her life she was now. And that she found FUN wherever she could and was so goddamned happy that she was growing flowers out of her ass and smiled constantly. whatever.

Please allow me to loan you a nice big box of matches, sounds like she's found either Hallmark cards or Christ to me. I bet she hosts Cookie-Lee jewelry shows at her house.
WELL.....she took it totally personally, like I thought she was some sad, damaged person and proceded to tell me how HAPPY in her life she was now. And that she found FUN wherever she could and was so goddamned happy that she was growing flowers out of her ass and smiled constantly. whatever.

well,i can understand that,no problem at all.
She is so unhappy, she cant even admit it to herself.

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