I posted a bit back in February, but have only been lurking since then. Well, I figured it was time to grow some balls and introduce myself...I'm L.T., and I just started reading Bukowski within the past couple of years. Ever since I purchased Run With the Hunted at a used bookstore, I have been on the hunt (no pun intended) for everything and anything Bukowski ever wrote.
It's nice to come to a place where I am not judged for loving Buk's work; he is the only writer who has the ability to make me laugh or cry with just a simple line, but for some reason he isn't taken seriously, at least not by the people I know. Oh, well...we can't all be on the same page, I guess.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I look forward to coming out of the shadows and contributing to the discussions again.
It's nice to come to a place where I am not judged for loving Buk's work; he is the only writer who has the ability to make me laugh or cry with just a simple line, but for some reason he isn't taken seriously, at least not by the people I know. Oh, well...we can't all be on the same page, I guess.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I look forward to coming out of the shadows and contributing to the discussions again.