hey there guys. thanks for the warm welcome.
bukfan, lesee. i started with Love is a Dog From Hell. I've re-read that one a couple of times. Also, Betting on the Muse, Sifting Through the Madness for the Word, the Line, the Way, You Get So Alone at Times it Just Makes Sense and Books One Two and Three published posthumously. There's probably more, but I always read them and loan them out. I've also seen the documentary Born Into This and the movies Barfly and Factotum. I was pretty surprised at how well Dillon pulled off Bukowski, really. I know there's so much more to read and I think I really should start right at the beginning and work my way through. But that's why I'm here among all of you, to learn man to learn. ;)
roni and Wayne, my name, vodka originally came from vodkafamilywinston, of which i was registered on Craigslist and posted on their writingforum. Then I went to
www.writingforums.com and shortened it to ms. vodka. After starting my own writing forum
www.LiteraryMary.com, I shortened it even further to plain ol' vodka which is what I decided to use here. Less formalities and all that.
I'm going to take a look around now that I have a minute and get to know this place. I joined the minute I found you all because I was so excited to be among other Hank fans.