Hello, Jamie here. I discovered Bukowski awhile back and I'm glad that I did. I only wish it had been years earlier. I've never considered my self much of a "reader" or "fan of poetry" but Bukowski's work has changed that somehow. The most fascinating thing to me is the honesty with which he wrote. Most authors would not be that honest in sharing specific details about their personality and experiences. Though my life was nothing nearly as bad as Bukowski's, I can definately relate to many things about adolesence and growing up, view of the world, and stories that my dad told me about his (much harder life than mine) when I was growing up. Reading his works, what I have read so far, has taken me back to a lot of my own burried memories, and stories that I heard growing up about people who had very hard times. Anyway, the "admiring of Bukowski" is one of those things where I suppose you either do...or you don't. I definately do admire the man and his work and I'm glad I found this site.