Great website, I hope somebody will be able to help a very confused Gavin. I have a book that is currently being published in America. My publisher has told me that before my manuscript goes to edit I have to present it to them with as little errors as possible.
They have told me that the manuscript should be presented in the 'Chicago style' of writing. I understand most of the points, however, I don't know how to present speach. Here in England, it is the correct practise to start a new line with speach. However, the Chicago style appears to have the speach in the normal text with no space to seperate it.......is this the case, can anyone shed some light on this?
Thankyou for your time
Great website, I hope somebody will be able to help a very confused Gavin. I have a book that is currently being published in America. My publisher has told me that before my manuscript goes to edit I have to present it to them with as little errors as possible.
They have told me that the manuscript should be presented in the 'Chicago style' of writing. I understand most of the points, however, I don't know how to present speach. Here in England, it is the correct practise to start a new line with speach. However, the Chicago style appears to have the speach in the normal text with no space to seperate it.......is this the case, can anyone shed some light on this?
Thankyou for your time