By the way, you can read that boxing story, "Class," in NORTH OF NO SOUTH. I think I first read it in A BUKOWSKI SAMPLER -- of which I do not currently have copy, so I can't check that it's in there. Anyone have a copy of SAMPLER handy? (the sound of men running to their bookcases all around America and Europe).
Part two of this epic will have to wait until tomorrow night. My wife is sleepy after digging in her garden all day and me clacking on the keys is keeping her awake...
Bit of a boxing fan here so here goes............
Re the boxing - if my memory serves me correctly, I read in a Jack Dempsey biography that Hemingway claimed he could hold his own in a sparring session with a certain fighter (I could be wrong, but I think it was Dempsey himself)
A sparring session was arranged and Hemingway rather quickly and painfully discovered the difference between a top pro fighter and a writer who fancied himself as a fighter (he was quickly KO'd)