"Micro black holes produced by a collider, the skeptics theorize, would move more slowly and might be trapped inside the earth's gravitational field - and eventually threaten the planet."
stupid. crap.
even IF a Micro-Black-Hole gets into existence, it would 'glue' itself nearly immediately. it could Never eat up a whole planet.
But i find it just as stupid to use so much energy, time and money on something like that.
first, i don't believe, that finding the dark matter is one of our prime goals in physics now.
and concerning the extra-dimensions (which Would be a goal): i don't see, how they would show from a simple Hadron-collider. on these extra dimensions, we talk about sizes smaller than the Planck-Length! we simply don't Have the energy nor the hugeness, that a collider would need to measure these.
o.k., i'm no pro and maybe i missed something in their points. but i find it a big waste.