Hey guys im new here and to Bukowski, for one of my college class i have to write a paper, half research and the other half analyzing some poems:
I am going to (but need help finding applicable poems) use poems from the 3 "main" events in his life: alcohol abuse which i chose the poem "BEER
from: Love is A Mad Dog From Hell", now i was wondering of some good poems i can use for i growing up (abuse/ disfigurement) and then lastly maybe on his marriages??
any help will be awesome, and please not super long poems either lol thanks guys
I am going to (but need help finding applicable poems) use poems from the 3 "main" events in his life: alcohol abuse which i chose the poem "BEER
from: Love is A Mad Dog From Hell", now i was wondering of some good poems i can use for i growing up (abuse/ disfigurement) and then lastly maybe on his marriages??
any help will be awesome, and please not super long poems either lol thanks guys