Painful to watch him so fucked up, spacing out and groping for words, when he is such a funny, well-spoken bastard.
That period of his career was not so cool. Those god damned awful David Bowie years (imagine me spitting onto the ground after saying David Bowie for full effect). Playing with Soupy Sales' fucking kids in his band. Berlin, Bowie, Barf. He had no direction. He didn't snap out of it until 1979 when he recorded New Values.
But it all pales in comparison to the '68 - '71 Stooges anyway. Hard to follow that. Nowhere for him to go from there, really.
Now he's like a traveling museum piece. Everyone telling him how great he is, and how much they have always loved him. I don't begrudge him his payday. Good for him. Just funny how that shit works. He's hasn't really done anything interesting, musically, in 40 years.