Hey, I just registered with this site today. (7/13/07) And, I'm at work right now, so I thought that I'd put up a thread. I've been a Bukowski fan ever since I was a teenager, (I just turned 27) and he's probably my favorite author. Other authors I admire are Vonnegut, Fante, Ferlinghetti, and Watterson. (Bill Watterson, the creator of Calvin and Hobbes.) Favorite bands include Avail, Lifetime, Gorilla Biscuits, Misfits, Descendents, and Jawbreaker. Favorite Bukowski quote is below.
"We can't cheat death, but we can make it work so hard that when it finally does take us, it will have known a victory just as perfect as ours."
"We can't cheat death, but we can make it work so hard that when it finally does take us, it will have known a victory just as perfect as ours."