I'm new (1 Viewer)

So I stumbled in here while chasing down some talk about Buk tattoos and listening to DOOM's Cellz (which features a reading of Born Into This... which you probably already know).

Is it cool if I stay for a while?

It's [STRIKE]rad[/STRIKE] to have somewhere where my usual screen name might actually make sense to someone besides me. I've been using this one at various spots throughout the internets for a while now and no one ever knows what it means.

But maybe it wasn't the right choice for this board. Is incorporating the man's name into my screen name the equivalent of going to a concert wearing the shirt of the band that I'm going to see? Now I feel like a nerd.

Anyway, hello. I'm a Bukowski fan as well as a comic book reader and a total baseball nut. I don't sleep as much as I probably should and then try to make up for it with a lot of coffee throughout the day. This has led to a personality that has been described as "prickly".

Is there anything that I should know to be the best that I can be here at bukowski.net?
Is there anything that I should know to be the best that I can be here at bukowski.net?

The best advice is something you already agreed to: don't be an asshole. Other than that, welcome, prickly buk was right! There are a hell of a good number of good folks here who will share knowledge, post unpublished poems, turn you on or off to certain music, and generally act like themselves; something rather rare on the interwebby thing these days.

Enjoy your stay; and again, welcome.

Oh, and you didn't use internet speak yet. That's very good... :cool:
Is incorporating the man's name into my screen name the equivalent of going to a concert wearing the shirt of the band that I'm going to see?

It's quite like that. But this isn't necessarily bad.
You'll find it here with names as well as with avatars
( <= look mine ).

I like your modest attitude. Not like some self-assured gate-crashers who think the whole world was just waiting for them. You know what I mean.
So, welcome.
Oh, and you didn't use internet speak yet. That's very good... :cool:

I swear more than I should and I'm prone to the occasional coloquialism, but I draw the line at "LULZ u got pwned"!

Don't try!


I thought it was "Bon't try"?

Well, since you asked... how do you look in a french maid outfit? You know, the kind with the garters and fishnets.

Man... I could probably squeeze into it, but if dudes pouring out of the busted seams of a novelty costume are your thing I think you can probably do better than me.

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