As some of you seem to feel like seeing it, I can't develop my reproaches, not wanting to spoil you the film.
My main reproach : The film is untitled Inglourious Basterds, these basterds are known and dreaded by all the Nazis, having a really awful reputation. So why don't they appear more often in the film ? Actually, we only see them doing their work - butchering Nazis - in one scene, the one who is in the trailer. That's very frustrating ! I wanted more scalps ! And more tarantinian violence ! I would have liked so much to see the Bear Jew (aka Eli Roth, the one specialized in killing Nazis with a baseball bat) more in action !
There are a lot of things I criticize but I'd reveal some important parts of the plot if I carried on my list.
In my opinion, Tarantino had too many ideas and didn't succeed into laying out them, I found the result far-fetched.
Oh and I warn you : the film is in three languages : english, french, german. The french scenes are sometimes so long that I had the feeling there was two alternating films : the american one, directed by Tarantino, and a french one, with Shosanna, Marcel the black projectionist (who is one of the worst actors I've ever seen) and the Nazi hero played by Daniel Brühl. This feeling was no doubt favoured by the fact that the two groups who want to kill Hitler in the theatre (the american basterds and the french Shosanna + Marcel) never meet, don't even know each others and thus act separately from the beginning to the end. I think that's one of the scenario's weak points.
Yes, Brad Pitt is excellent with his weird face and his weirder accent. The last film in which I saw him was Fight Club, that was strange to see him again ten years after in such a role, far from his sexy ones.
I've not seen Jackie Brown again but I'll soon do it.
I liked Death proof, Kurt Russell is a big bastard, the girls have balls and the car collision scene is great !
From Dusk till dawn... I saw it again a few months ago and still enjoyed it though certain special effects seem outdated (the scene where Harvey Keitel's son is eaten by the vampires is ridiculous ! :D ).