This is probably an opinion that no one will share with me, but what I don't like about the German cover is the Crumb art. Sure, it's great Crumb, and fine graphic design, but when I see a Crumb drawing, all I get from it is "Crumb", and not the subject. His style is so -- what's the word? -- saturated with his consciousness, his personality, that when I see that drawing, I don't see Bukowski, I see Crumb. When I look at the drawing he did of bluesman Robert Johnson, I see Crumb, not Robert Johnson. I know if I stare at it long enough, I'll see Mr. Natural strutting by in the background, smoking a joint. That's why I've never been interested in owning those two Buk chapbooks he did the illustrations for. I'd rather read them in the collections than look at all that Crumb. Not being a troll here, just being honest (although some might say that's a fine line.) So, I'd say to publishers of Bukowski, find another artist for Chrissakes. Enough with the Crumb.