Linda Bukowski's birthday today...
?Wouldn't it be listed as a 'special event' at the bottom of the forum page?:confused:
... "I am now peeling the cellophane from a pint of Cutty Sark..."
Oh crap! and I thought slimedog was a punk rocker from Boston. I shouldn't have been so rude to slimedog. Well I sent flowers anyway. Sorry.I understand her screen name is slimedog.
no! that's the wrong Linda!
don't you intermix them!
(see also chapter 6 in 'Shakespeare Never Did This'.)
Somehow I (mis)read "Linda King's Birthday" in the initial post.
Anyone read German?
i have been up all night writing a human origins paper though.
Do you think that is Linda Bukowski? She looks too old to be Linda B. (at the time). The lines around the mouth and the droopy eyes...that's not really characteristic of her at the time. Though I suppose it could be. The tape recorder on the table suggests that it may be a journalist, but photographs can be tricky.