Just watched this French production on local free to air. Found it quite interesting as I have never seen or heard Ellroy in the flesh before. Strange guy indeed. He talks about trying to investigate his mother's grisly murder some 37 years later -- which resulted in his book "My Dark Places". She was killed when he was 10 and he says that was the seminal moment in his life and career. Says it made him what he is.
I got a kick out of seeing a few LA locations familiar to Buk.
I see on IMDB that there was a similarly named Austrian doco made on him back in the nineties called "James Ellroy: Demon Dog of American Crime Fiction (1993)" which apparently shows Los Angeles nightlife for 6 uninterrupted minutes, so I'd like to see that film for that cityscape as much as anything on Ellroy.
I'm a big fan of the Film Noir style and I really liked Hanson's version of "LA Confidential".
I got a kick out of seeing a few LA locations familiar to Buk.
I see on IMDB that there was a similarly named Austrian doco made on him back in the nineties called "James Ellroy: Demon Dog of American Crime Fiction (1993)" which apparently shows Los Angeles nightlife for 6 uninterrupted minutes, so I'd like to see that film for that cityscape as much as anything on Ellroy.
I'm a big fan of the Film Noir style and I really liked Hanson's version of "LA Confidential".