Hey all. I'm fresh to the wonders of Mr. Bukowski and am finding myself terribly partial to his poems about Jane. Coincidentally we are supposed to give half-assed presentations in my poetry class on a poet or poem of our choice, and what with this Bukowski infatuation my subject feels kind of obvious. I was going to focus on his works for/about Jane, but as I know of about three or four for certain I figured you well-versed lot could help me out. I've got "For Jane", "With All the Love I Had, Which Was Not Enough", and "Eulogy to a Hell of a Dame", as well as the two below that I don't know titles of. So, good forum-goers, can you help me out? Cheers muchly!
Jane, who has been dead for 31 years,
never could have
imagined that I would write a screenplay of our drinking
days together
that it would be made into a movie
that a beautiful movie star would play her part.
I can hear Jane now: "A beautiful movie star? Oh,
for Christ's sake!'
Jane, that's show biz, so go back to sleep, dear, because
no matter how hard they tried they
just couldn't find anybody exactly like
and neither can
If I never see you again
I will always carry you
on my fingertips
and at brain edges
and in centers
of what I am of
what remains.
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