Last lines of “Style” Question (1 Viewer)

For years now I’ve been captivated by the final lines of the poem “Style” which are:

Six herons standing quietly in a pool of water, or you, naked, walking out of the bathroom without seeing me.

I’ve been trying to find out why I can’t stop thinking about this part of the poem. The whole poem is great but this final part has me looking up the symbolism of herons and pools of water and every other thing searchable.

I‘d love to start a thread of people sharing what their feelings are towards these last lines, what they see in them. Thank you to whomever posts.
Just to tag on, humans have a public and private self. The self we show the world and the self that usually only is seen by ourselves. Observation changes human behaviour. If we don't know we are being observed, we are in our natural state. Much like the herons (who don't change behaviour under observation unless their space is being threatened), when we are in our natural state we become more vulnerable, more free, and it could be argued, more beautiful.
...I’m sure this has been brought up before, but Bukowski’s reading of “Style” in San Francisco ‘72 doesn’t match what’s in my copy of Mockingbird Wish Me Luck. Were there lines added after the publishing of the original? Is this a case of heavy editing? Any info is appreciated.

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