I noticed a number of celebrity paintings featured by a coffee shop where I live (http://www.mitchellscoffee.com/) including Audrey Hepburn, Liz Taylor, and members of the Rat Pack (plus a couple others, I think). The artist's name is Jordan Weiland (http://jordanweiland.com/). There were no prices listed in the coffee shop, but on the Store listed on her website (http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5868937) she is selling a number of them.
Could she be subject to legal recourse by those celebrities' estates? I seem to remember there being some hub bub over a company using Frank Sinatra's silhouette and being sued by the estate. Furthermore, is she in some manner of ethical jeopardy for using another artist's work (the photographer)? One of my friends said her pictures look like they were designed by digitally manipulating the images in a program, such as Photoshop.
Could she be subject to legal recourse by those celebrities' estates? I seem to remember there being some hub bub over a company using Frank Sinatra's silhouette and being sued by the estate. Furthermore, is she in some manner of ethical jeopardy for using another artist's work (the photographer)? One of my friends said her pictures look like they were designed by digitally manipulating the images in a program, such as Photoshop.