YEs, but if you consider that Sinead O'Connor and Shelly Winters may not have been fans. It is possible that someone wanting to gain favor with them asked to have these signed and the recipient could care less for the association.
If it was signed to me, I'd keep it and let my wife sell it when I died (I'd hope that the kids would want to keep somethign like this), but only if I liked the author.
I'm not sure what they would do if, after my death, they found a signed, inscribed book in my collection from Ann Colter.
Hopefully they would have the good sense to destroy it.
p.s. I do not have any Ann Colter books and would only want one if I knew that it was stolen directly from her house, assuring me that 1) she missed this book and 2) She did not make a dime off of it.... Still, I would have to keep it in a different place, sequestered like you do when a book has a mold problem to keep it from tainting other books.