Because you, as an unknown (and almost certainly awful), screenwriter deserve so much better, right?...a lit agent in LA who who handles screenplays and the secretary doesnt moonlight as the cleaner.
mjp just another useless turd with nothing good to say hiding behind a website pretending to be someone with the wit of dried dogcrap, if you want to say something say it to a guys face like a man otherwise keep your little turd thoughts to yourself pissant.
If anyone else wants any career advice or motivational inspiration, I'm always happy to oblige. I'm selfless like that.
can you do anything about my genital warts?
Yes! ...
Great question!dear mjp,
i keep hearing that "everybody gota die someday." How can I make sure that it is not me?
Wow! If I had a nickel for every time I've answered this one!Dear mjp,
I am a thrill-seeker in need of my next fix. Do you recommend walking through rush-hour traffic blindfolded while masturbating or dancing on 30th-story construction scaffolding in high-winds ? I'm also an aspiring screenwriter if that helps.....
Can I use that line in the screenplay I'm working on? It's genius.can I ask what lever of retardation are you?
can I ask what lever of retardation are you?
Is that Gaelic?
1 imbecile + bad clothes + bad hair doesnt equal an artist
only the mediocre have to put other people down to feel good. what sort infantile moron would write crap about someone they've never met or read anything about.
mjp Ive seen your photo and you not only write stupid but you look stupid. whats with the fingerpainting on your website do you have the intelligence level of a 5 year old?
1 imbecile + bad clothes + bad hair doesnt equal an artist
can I ask what lever of retardation are you? only the mediocre have to put other people down to feel good. what sort infantile moron would write crap about someone they've never met or read anything about. {no question mark}
mjp Ive seen your photo and you not only write stupid but you look stupid. whats with the fingerpainting on your website do you have the intelligence level of a 5 year old?
1 imbecile + bad clothes + bad hair doesnt equal an artist
I feel sorry for famous people because they have all these hangers on attaching themselves like fleas to them even when their dead
getting a life is probably above some people so keep on pretending my only regret is that you use up the oxygen a normal person could use
Who you calling a poof?mjp, if I've told you this once, I've told you a hundred times: embrace your inner imbecile, get your ass to H&M and a salon for a nice coif. poof! instant wannabe Hollywood screenwriter!
Thanks, but that's already taken care of. It's the first thing I paid for when I sold my screenplay.mjp i will pay for your gender reassignment surgery if you give me your first years takings.
Indeed, the similarities are astounding. We were both falsely accused of heresy, and both have a way with the ladies, due to our magnetism and obvious and overwhelming handsomeness.mjp looks a little bit like Rasputin...