Looking for postcards (1 Viewer)


Founding member
Well, not just postcards, but old pictures, etc., relating to places Bukowski lived or worked or caused trouble.

This is for an upcoming site feature, so no rush. But if you have anything, or can point me to anything, cool. Post it here or let me know.

Postcards are preferred because they have a nice vintage look. What I don't need is modern pictures. You know, DeLongpre with chainlink around it, a snapshot you took last week of Trader Vic's, that kind of thing.

Think vintage.

You're welcome to use my vintage photo of DeLongpre in pre-chainlink times. I think I've posted it here someplace, with date.

Also, I have a photo of the 49er Tavern in Long Beach, where Bukowski drank with Gerald Locklin and his students a few times, vintage 1970s black and white photo. It may be in my book 12 Poets and Their Cars (early 70s). I'll find it for you.
You're welcome to use my vintage photo of DeLongpre in pre-chainlink times. I think I've posted it here someplace, with date.


Thanks David. I don't expect a great response to this thread, but as an example of the kind of thing I'm looking for, this is an old postcard of the Broadway, which was the "Milliron's" referred to in his employment records. So he worked at that building when it looked like that. See where I'm going with this?

Sounes has a reproduction of a postcard of the cruise ship the Bukowski's came to America on, so I know stuff like that is out there, and those are the kind of old-tymey things that I want to find.

That relate to things in the timeline.

So there, now you know what it's for. ;)

As we have discussed before: the example of your postcard isn't relate with Buk in the forties...

The postcard I dropped in back alley was an easy to find one, but from "circa 1955".

So...what's exactly your goal?

Some supporting members must be interested in googling time line postcards....or give them a 1/4 year supporting membership for free :D
mjp: so, was I off the mark? Would you want the 49er Tavern photo, or is it not old timey enough?

(I've been told I'm dense and this only goes to prove it.)

I have a source for vintage postcards and can probably find some related to Bukowski if I get the names of the buildings and what city. Is the timeline the best place for that?
I see! Thanks...

EDIT: I just had a look in Miles'bio. It says that Buk went to Virginia Road Grammar School in 1927! I wonder which one it was, San Marino or Virginia Road?
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EDIT: I just had a look in Miles'bio. It says that Buk went to Virginia Road Grammar School in 1927! I wonder which one it was, San Marino or Virginia Road?
The years for the grammar schools are correct in the timeline. They came from a nice woman who went to school there with Bukowski and emailed me a while back. They moved several times before settling on Longwood, so he would have gone to different schools.

Hooch - that is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for. These are things that are in the timeline and of (or close to) the era.

David, since the 49'er tavern isn't mentioned in the timeline it doesn't really fit (unless he did a reading there).

Ponder, dates don't have to be exact but close. The store probably looked the same in the mid 50's as it did in the mid 40's.

To give you an idea of the eventual goal (if we find enough stuff), go to https://web.archive.org/web/2020/https://bukowski.net/timeline/ and click on the 1947 Milliron's link. It's just an example of what I want to do if we can pull it off...

These will be little pop up windows that you can click on certain text to see images.

Kind of like an online Bukowski in Pictures (if I can make that comparison without getting sued, you know).

Honestly, I only want to do it if enough great stuff can be found, and it will be a long time project, so no rush. Just keep your eyes open. ;)

I know a lot of stuff can be found through Google, but the real source would be eBay or postcard selling sites, I think. I just like the postcard idea for aesthetic purposes...they look like they are from another era. And it was another era.
southern pacific railway yard, circa 1957 (a bit late, but it's the closest I could find, while still being a good pic).

How many people rode around in a horse and buggy or a Model A in the mid-1940s?:eek:;)

Probably a fair number drove Model As in the 40s. My dad had a Model A in the 1950s. He didn't consider it an antique or classic car. He bought it because it was cheap, in good shape, and it ran well. I remember riding in the back seat, with a Cecil And Beanie decal in the window. Loved that car. Then there was my uncle, the junk man, who drove a horse and wagon through the streets of Chicago in the 1960s. But that was uncommon even then.

mjp: Buk didn't do a reading at the 49er, so it doesn't fit. Nice try by me but no cigar.
baldwin hills library, no date, but the streetlights look to be the '50's or '60's, so not really time appropriate, but...


this is how the library looks now...

Jezuz! So Buk wasn't exaggerating one bit hen he wrote about that hospital! - "It's no secret that many employees are actually aggressive toward patients" - Good Grief!
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Yes, those online tools will work, but I would rather have the larger images. The auto tools usually do more compression than I would like.

You (anyone) can also email them to:

[email protected]
Gah. Hey, I said no rush!

I do think about adding them every time I update the timeline. I just never got around to it.

But there is something new on the horizon perhaps this idea will finally be implemented. First I have to finish Carol's new site, and that's a monster.

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