Madswirl (1 Viewer)

Somehow, strangely enough, I overlooked the fact that it was going to be published for their annual print issue.

That makes the smile on my face expand a bit.:D
Somehow, strangely enough, I overlooked the fact that it was
going to be published for their annual print issue.

Well it better damn well be or else heads will roll I tell ya...

Congrats. It's a good feeling, indeed. And a funny poem. I hope you meant it that way; I mean, sometimes the most annoying situations are quite funny in retrospect. I'm considering a patent on Giant Jesus Pinatas. ;)
Thanks for the kind words everyone. Really.
After having numerous poems being either slapped back, fall short or drop off target, it's nice to have one stick.
Silly as it may be, I'm still giddy.
Nothing for any of us but to move on to the next.

But getting something through the smoke-filled dusk sure helps.


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