Did anybody check it out? He talked a lot about Factotum, and Bukowski. A good interview all around.
I do not think Rollins is less authentic because of any statements he makes, but for the statement his celebrity ass kissing makes.Why would Rollins become any more or less authentic for making such a statement...
Isn't that one of the myths we dispelled? ;)It is all just talking off of the top of his head with no script, and no forethought.
This is almost a definition of Bukowski manner. This is the true beauty of Bukowski.
I wouldn't argue with that, everyone has to pay the bills.Some of Rollins' books are a good read. I was a fan of black flag from way back, so I guess I have a soft spot for him. He's just paying his bills like everyone else.
Bill, well said and funny...funny... I was a Rollins fan in my 20's, but lost interest as I hit 30... Maybe he was talking about himself....