Sordide Sentimental
In light of R. Crumb's take on Buk's writing, does anyone think any of Buk's other stories lend themselves well to graphic novelization?
Oh yes, many of them could be turned into comic book stories, if not all of them. Schultheiss made two albums full some years ago.
Two french comic albums based on Bukowski's work, wow ! I didn't know them ! Thanks Bukfan, I'll try to grab them.
They're not exactly "french". The original is from - guess where - germany!
But I must admit: I don't like the drawings of Schultheiss very much. It just isn't my style in comic books.
Hm, but then - I didn't like 'Crazy Love' either, but everyone else seems to do.
Here's the cover of the other comic book (Danish version):
I have read the first one (Der lange Job/Folies Ordinaires) and like Roni, I haven't appreciated Shultheiss' style, finding it more or less flat, not really in phase with Bukowski's spirit. If I had read this thing without knowing Bukowski, it assuredly would not have made me feel like discovering him.
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