I think one point of my rant (...) is how easily small press authors get dismissed as Buk clones. It gets annoying. The first question that pops out of some idiots mouth when you say you write poetry for the small press is "oh, you mean like Bukowski?"
(...) Kind of like someone saying to Ginsberg, "oh, you mean you rip off Whitman."
For the most part people do not want to waddle
through bad poetry any more than they want to
wade through anything looking for what might be "good".
I suppose part of the process of the small press
is to offer up the best of what is out there.
And like anything else, there is a certain politics to
that as well. Somehow it works.
And people need a frame of reference, and it is
annoying. But time takes time.
Poetry is here to stay, I'm fairly certain of that.
The poets are here to stay also. At least for a little
while. Then they will be gone. And another
generation will emerge with the same problems.
It's up to each to make as much difference as
they wish, and as they can, I suppose.
Anyway. I loved the argument. I loved the dilemma. I loved the outrage. I loved it all.
Thanks again for the article.
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Father Luke