my new acquisitions... (1 Viewer)

Publisher's copies, oh my. So goes a little more of the great John Martin's collection into private hands. Good for you.

And Good for Martin. I read a long-ass book about big league book collectors - that I think Rekrab recommended - and one of the things I took away from that is that if this stuff didn't change hands once in a while, many of history's great books would never, ever be seen.

So, yay, Jordan. Yay Martin. Boo hoo the rest of us who only get to see them. ;)
I fucking just returned Open All Night. I was looking at my finances, and I realized that there was no way I could afford to keep both of them. I wanted at least one Buk publisher's copy, and I got carried away ordering two. But I think WMM is prettier and a stronger collection, so I kept it. I did get the #1 of the #'d edition of Open All Night in exchange, so that's pretty cool, I guess.
I did get the #1 of the #'d edition of Open All Night in exchange, so that's pretty cool, I guess.
Well, you know, if you have to settle. ;)

What Was the Pub copy of Open All Night going to set you back, if I may ask?
There's a bumper sticker in there somewhere...


Er, you know. At least it didn't come to prostitution, starvation or armed robbery. I heard from a well connected source that Bonnie and Clyde weren't just thrill seekers. They were only trying to get together the down payment on a Gutenberg bible...
"Visit your friendly neighborhood book hooker! - Bring your first editions and get a first class treatment!" :D
Speaking of new acquisitions, I'm really happy about my latest addition. It's not nearly as rare as Jordan's publisher's copies, but from what I've seen, it's a bit difficult to find. I think I got it for a pretty good price, but then again it's hard to gauge because there's not a lot of these on the market that I've seen.

Bukowski by Montfort. The last BSP issue. 110 total. Picked it up for $299. It really is a beautiful book.

Bukowski by Montfort.jpg
I paid more for that book (about a hundred more!) when it first came out.

I don't like you any more. :(
Speaking of new acquisitions, I'm really happy about my latest addition. It's not nearly as rare as Jordan's publisher's copies, but from what I've seen, it's a bit difficult to find. I think I got it for a pretty good price, but then again it's hard to gauge because there's not a lot of these on the market that I've seen.

Bukowski by Montfort. The last BSP issue. 110 total. Picked it up for $299. It really is a beautiful book.

Just to weigh in as FL and ROC have, WTF? How the {fucking} hell did you find that for $299? :eek::cool:

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