need help with an excerpt (1 Viewer)

Hi, i'm looking to see if anybody can help me by telling me where i can find online the words from charles bukowski's "women" where its a nice peice of lit that is him writing about a particular woman, and it talks about his relationship with her...

we talked about life, death and so on, but never about divorce?? i've read this many years ago, but do not own the novel. can anybody help me out here? recently broke up with a lady i was seeing and would like to read his exact words because as i remember them they described the situation perfectly.

thankyou anybody that can help
you're correct, and i will.

it's a shame nobody knows the part i'm talking about, and can help me out with it. It's the absolute best part of that novel.

anybody out here that can help? unless you can identify the quote i'm speaking of, please just surf on.

- leonard skitch
Hi, i'm looking to see if anybody can help me by telling me where i can find online the words from charles bukowski's "women" where its a nice peice of lit that is him writing about a particular woman, and it talks about his relationship with her...

we talked about life, death and so on, but never about divorce?? i've read this many years ago, but do not own the novel. can anybody help me out here? recently broke up with a lady i was seeing and would like to read his exact words because as i remember them they described the situation perfectly.

thankyou anybody that can help

Find on-line? Sorry, but the chance of you finding this copy-written material on-line is probably about as likely as finding a pig in a petunia.

Plus, it sounds like you're not giving anyone enough description to go on. "its a nice peice of lit that is him writing about a particular woman, and it talks about his relationship with her...we talked about life, death and so on, but never about divorce??" vague to say the least and could refer to almost anyone. This might be a good time for a refresher course on the entire book to fluff up your spirit for the next one that comes along. (They always do if one waits long enough.)

As an alternate pick-me-up, you might also want to read (but not in Women) about the 300 lb. whore who was Bukowski's first piece of ass. They broke the goddamn bed in the process, and you might feel lucky by comparison.

Anyway, sorry about the break-up between you and your old lady (that is, if you are). Luck.


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