Need submissions - His Cock is Money (1 Viewer)

Need submissions...

No guidelines? The title indicates that what we submit should have something about penises, male chickens and/or cash in it. Maybe I'll write a poem about a guy who has a rooster that wins him cash prizes at fairs and chicken shows, if there are such things. His Cock is Money.
the edge

my uncle unscrewed the part,
"stick it down your trousers."

i had to walk
like a man.

past the scrapyard owner,
the Alsatian,
I made a fair impression

of John Wayne's
Rooster Cogburn.
His cock is money

is now active. go check it out and tell me what you think...

it features a short story by hoochmonkey9 (stephen hines)
and a couple of poems by justin barrett

then there is a couple of guys you might not have heard of but i think blast better lines than most, so go check it out.

(fuck, i sound like a low budget television commercial)
hey, send shit in. i'm going to be going on the road for the next few months, so i made the site a blog so it would be easy to update by going to public libraries and such places. send shit. i plan on updating it as frequently as possible. then, in january, i'm going to be taking the best peices and printing an anthology. so send send send away.
in january, i'm going to be taking the best peices and printing an anthology.

well, d0oD. Why didn't you say so?
is now active. go check it out and tell me what you think...

it features a short story by hoochmonkey9 (stephen hines)
and a couple of poems by justin barrett

then there is a couple of guys you might not have heard of but i think blast better lines than most, so go check it out.

(fuck, i sound like a low budget television commercial)

in case someone reads my story, the phrase "loonies and twonies" refers to the Canadian one dollar and two dollar coins. there's a loon on the one dollar coin, hence "loonie":


there's a polar bear on the two dollar coin, but "bearie" didn't rhyme with "loonie", so we went with "twonie", sometimes spelled "toonie", but I prefer "twonie.":

Hey, justin grimbol, I like Jon Kalish poetry a lot. Well, I posted a couple of self-explanatory comments about this. Hysterical ones.

Is out there any other JK material I can read? Online, I mean. A blog, I mean. Anything online, I mean.
you guys found our old web site. well, remmember those stories i have up there are old. its the stuff i wrote when i was learning how to write.

as for kalish, he hasnt written in years. what he did write, i have in old emails he sent. the stuff on HIS COCK IS MONEY, he wrote so drunk that he doesnt remember writing them.
anyway, i plan on publishing what he got. hopefuly peoples response to it will inspire him to write more. i think the fuckers a genius.
i have been on the road for a month and a half now, and i usually get about an hour on the internet every two days or so. this has made it hard to update the site. but i will soon. got some good stuff smoldering in the note books and some submissions from some fully solid writers, ready to breath.
i've turned this site into an anthology again. its going better than before. if you're interested, send me submissions. i'm looking for poetry and flash fiction and articles and interviews. right now the site has interviews with vince kramer, author of GIGANTIC DEATH WORM. and Contance Fitzgerald, author of TRASHLAND A GO-GO.
send submissions to [email protected]

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