New to the Forum (1 Viewer)

Hi All,

This is my first post. I have been a big fan of Bukowski for years and have read most of his stuff, seen his movies and listened to his audio stuff. In fact anything I could get my hands on.

I was first introduced to him by a friend when I was backpacking, this was probably 12 years ago now. He gave me the book 'Run with the Hunted' and I have been hooked ever since.

I've never read a poet who articulated so well some of the things I think and feel.

He was a genius.
Thanks for the welcome!

It's so good to see other Brits on here and people joining all the time. I wish I'd looked years ago.

I've spent the last few years slipping Bukowski into conversations and when people ask 'who's that' I lend them a book.

It seems to be working, more and more people around me are becoming fascinated with the man, people you wouldn't expect.

I'm slowly corrupting the nation :)

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