Hey, that's a long list, so I only looked at the top ten.... BUT I must say, after seeing Julian Casablancas(Lead singer of the Strokes) the last 3 Fridays in a row at the Palace Theater in downtown, Los Angeles, I LOVE THEIR NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone has not checked out his solo album, do it now, now, now I tell ya! I am starting to think, Julian may be even more talented than my other hero, Jack White.
Side note: I had a little too much to drink this last Friday, and nearly got kicked out for berating both of the opening bands, so I apologize, here publicly, to both of those bands. Ha. I was allowed to stay, when my friend promised 3 security guards that he would make certain I'd simmer down, and behave myself. I did simmer down, and Julian Casablancas made it all worth it!