Peter Wolf and support (1 Viewer)

I remember seeing Peter Wolf and the J Giels band open or the Stones in the 80's. I wasn't into them much at the time but I do remember thinking that he was one of the best front men I had ever seen and hold that opinion still to this day.

Well today I'm leafing through Rolling Stone to see he has written a tribute to Van Morrison and I thought hmm why Peter Wolf. Turns out he played a significant role in Van Morrisons life in the early days.

Now I see Peter Wolf is touring with Kid Rock.

Regardless of music what your music tastes are I think some will find it interesting how artists support one another. Often this support is (and I'm generalising) identified as a "scene" beat Greenwhich Seattle Minnesota Athens Paris-I'm sure there are others but I find it interesting that there are other acts of support that are more personal like Wolf to Morrison Theo to his brother or Martin to Bukowski.

You wonder how many great works have materialised because of these helping hands.
If I knew you liked J. Giels I might have made a better suggestion for your ipod.

David Bowie has helped and teamed up with a few. Now Elton John does some of that too. Oh how could we forget Frank Zappa with Flo and Eddie or Capt Beefheart. As well as Jean Luc??? Ponte or something.
Rappers and Hip Hop artists as well. But how many poets?

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