Play Written By Bukowski ? (1 Viewer)




Ponderous title, eh?
Thunderous Silence

Don't all jump in at once to tell me:

a) look in the archives, moron!
b) No, there is no such play
c) Yes, Cirerita has it in one of his infamous binders
d) A preliminary draft is at the Huntington
e) John Martin is sitting on this one
f) none of the above
g) all of the above
I'll tell you a little something: Winans wrote in his book that he and B. had a little poetic warfare in the late 70's. Apparently, Winans kind of criticized B's new work in one of his poems. B read that poem and wrote a nice "knifer" poem. Winans said the poem was titled "For the Poet Down South" (or something like that, I can't recall it now) and it was published in a mag called Impulse. If you can believe this, I spent a few hours trying to locate that damned mag and even wrote a few emails to several Special Collections Dept. which had mags called Impulse in their archives. No luck.

I gave up. But one day I received in the mail a copy of a magazine called Impetus. There was a Bukowski poem titled "Bukowski on my mind" (or something similar). I read the poem, and that was the fucking poem Winans mentioned in his book.

So there you go.

Winans is a nice dude. I interviewed him at Vesuvio's years ago and he gave me a lot of unpublished letters and other material. Cool fellow. But that doesn't mean he got it all wrong in this case.
MULLINAX wanted to know about something A. D. Winans had written.
and then became disappointed in the lack of any response.

As threads often times do, this thread began a life unto itself finding cirerita relating an antecdote about
Hank and A. D. Winans, and mentioning that he'd interviewed
A. D. Winans at Vesuvios restaurant. And that, while A. D. Winans is a
Cool fellow, this doesn't necessarily leave him without human
characteristics, and A. D. Winans and Buk had had an interesting poetic duel.

A bit was lost in translation, and cirerita had
a little laugh at his own expense, demonstrating a becoming modesty, and
sense of humor about it all.

MULLINAX offered up a bit of a joke as well, and still
hasn't gotten an answer to his original question other than the
one offered by you, which, by silence, everyone seems to have agreed upon...

h) No idea.
Vesuvius, get it?
Vesuvio's the restaurant, Vesuvius the volcano.
hey, where did everybody go? I'm not giving a reading tonight.
please come back.
yeah, this should be the "lost in translation" thread.

Mullinax, what I was trying to say was that you could consider this option as well:

i) He got it all wrong once, then...


j) Fuck double negatives :D
we have a lost in translation thread?
I had no idea...
it must've got lost in.....uh.....nevermind.
say goodnight hoochmonkey...
goodnight hoochmonkey.

k) Have you considered Peditto?

Which takes me back to translations: "pedo" in Spanish means "fart"; "pedito" would be "little fart" -you know, one of those farts that almost does not happen, but it kind of happens. So if you take Paul "Little Fart" Peditto's play -did it really happen?- into consideration, you might as well have hit the jackpot, if you know what I mean. I'm not sure I do, double negatives and all.
Beinte cinco para uno

I'm confused.

So, now, we have another dimension to the answer you've
given to the original question put forth by MULLINAX.

cirerita offers that there may be nothing to
the whole play idea. This is based on personal experience, and reflection.

Even with new evidence, the answer

h) No idea.

is the front runner neck and neck with:

i) He got it all wrong once, (so) then...

As we wait for the photo finish,
hoochmonkey9 is offering free entertainment.

Ok, so lemme get this straight. MJP knows not if there is such a play. Cirerita's response is to relate to us an unrelated anecdote concerning magma, caffeine and Winan`s general agreeableness. A few others chime in with their own wry observations. As for the play, well....

Meanwhile, MULLINAX stoically soldiers on, wondering what it`s all about.
In the Winner's Cricle

At the finish mjp and cirerita are neck and neck...

cirerita and mjp
and mjp
and mjp

it's cirerita by a nose.
mjp places

And in third place MULLINAX finishes ahead of the pack to show

What a magnificent race, Ladies and Gentlemen! What a magnificent race...
I'm not unsure if I don't know what isn't not going on around here!

I'll just go with option zed (or zee as [I thought] you yanks say).
I don't get a lot of things.

And now for something completely different, how about Buk's favourite mom, Fay?

Has she attended any "writer's workshops" lately?

I would tell you what Buk thought of writer's workshops but I'm not allowed to.
now the german fart comes in - as always a late starter - to tell,
that inside the Buk-society there have been claims, there is such a play about 6 years ago.
The sources however are unknown. Since (as far as I remember) the one person making this claim, was Benjamin Lauterbach, it's very likely, that he got that information from Michael Montfort with whom he was touring L.A. one whole afternoon in 2000 to hear a great LOT of inside-stories. Maybe I'll ask him for his source.
isn't there no double-negative in none of my non-sentences, aren't they?
Since (as far as I remember) the one person making this claim, was Benjamin Lauterbach, it's very likely, that he got that information from Michael Montfort with whom he was touring L.A. one whole afternoon in 2000 to hear a great LOT of inside-stories. Maybe I'll ask him for his source.
isn't there no double-negative in none of my non-sentences, aren't they?

Lauterbach is a good guy...
yes he is. too bad he doesn't have the time anymore to work as an active member of the Buk-society. You met him in person?
Nope. Just did a bit of business with him once, but he is a hell of a nice guy.

Plus, I think that he mentioned me in a poem once...

It took me a while, but I finally found the little fart:
OK! Now Mullinax can write the play based on the book by Paul Peditto. I learned another important word in Spanish...this is truly an education. Thank you.

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